Chapter 7 - Teen life!

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Nathan's POV:

The girls bikes had arrived........and i had my driving licence.

''Do you even know where the ice rink is?'' i asked

''Of course! And im telling'll lose and moreover on the streets, on a bike, a famous cute guy- so dead!''

''It's fine.....all i want to do is win against the famous 'girl-bike rider'! I'm gonna win! Prepare to get beaten Rachel Noel Johnson!''

''We'll see about that Nathan James Sykes!''

We wore our helmets and got ready, I took Rachel's bike cauze i love red and she took Liz's bike.

''See you guys in the ice rink! We'll get the tickets! Bye!'' Rachel said. It was like an actual race....we both started our engines and on the coun of 3 we raced! Now i had to admit she's a tomboy!

We stopped at the first signal and I removed my helmet.

''Nathan?? Fan alert!'' I turned around and saw girls trying to cross the road. I wore my helmet and the signal turned green. Rachel took off and i followed her.

Another signal! London was full of signals! This time Rachel removed the helmet. There was a guy trying to flirt with Rachel. I was about to remove my helmet and kill him but Rachel stopped me. ''I'll handle him''

She removed a toy gun without letting the man notice... she shot the wheel. It actually had a pin in it so it the tire was flat.

''So im free tomorrow.....' he said. ''Uh...'' she wore her helmet. And the signal was yellow and she showed the middle finger to him.

The guy tried to move the car use........and we drove off. Rachel reached the Ice rink first.

''Nice going with tht guy!'' i said

''Im Rachel johnson! I know how to deal with boys!'' she winked at me.

We went inside and took the tickets for the others also. We went to the VIP rink it was a bit smaller than the other one...but that was fine! The others came.

'' Do you know wat happened???'' i said while wearing the skates. The others nodded 'no'

I told them the incident ''I so need yr advice!'' said Jane. We all laughed. We started skatng.

Rachel's POV:

I didn't know to skate properly.....i mean i knew how to skate but I would fall and nobody knows about that. The others were skating and Siva fell right on his ass! Nathan was coming towards me- Shit!

''Come on! Don't tell me u dont know how to sk-''

''No! i know how to skate!''

''So come on!'' he went away. I held the railing and started  to skate. I was skating properly for sometime....i tried to skate backwards but i slipped but Nath caught me by the hand and pulled me towards him.

I skated away frm him......i had to or else i would hav kissed him!!

I couldn't skate so held my hand and started skating. He started going in full speed!

''N-nath slow down! ahh!'' He stopped and pulled me towards him. ''You look amazing!''

I skated away. ''Rachel?'' i looked at him he came to me and said '' Get yourself a boy!'' and winked at me.

''Hey that's my line!''.

''But i took it!''

Liz sat with Tom on the bike and Nareesha with Siva. Me,jay,megan.nath,max and jane sat in the car.

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