Chapter 8

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Nathan's POV:

I covered Rachel's mouth, pulled her and told about the plan.

''Rach.....rachel?Where r u.......Tom , Nathan, Jay???''

We switched on the lights. Tom stood in front of of Liz and Jay in frnt of Megan.


''There's something we need to tell u..........'' said Jay

''Yea........go on.....'' said Megan


''WHAT?!?!?!?!?'' the girls were in shock mode for like 2 mins.

''I love you too......'' said Megan. Jay and Megan kissed each other.

''Well......Liz won't u tell tom?'' i asked. Liz started blushing.......

'' thirsty im getting some water!'' she said and ran.......

''Hey.......'' Tom started chasing her. Tom finally caught her......

''Now.......tell me......those 3 words. Tell or i'll......''

''Tickle her?'' asked Rachel

''Yea...i'll tickle u!''

''First put me down'' Tom put her down....but was holding her hand.......

''I........LOVE.....U!'' she finally said. They both melted into a long kiss.

We were having dinner.......''Girls i found an apartment.....3 bedrooms each with a washro-''

''No need for u shift!'' said Tom

''But why''

''U girls can stay here......the house is big, and......we have confessed our love and we dont want these girls to go!'' said Jay

After a while they agreed to say in the our house.

Rachel's POV:

The next morning without telling the boys we left.

I was drinking coffee and looking outside the window. I saw a girl enter the showroom....with a very familiar face. She had a tattoo on her arm......tht tatoo was very familiar. After a while i realised it was.........CHARLOTTE!

I told Liz to go and show her all the bikes and snowmoblies and all tht. Our plan was-i go to liz and say thtthe manager was calling her....then i would talk to her.......then see wat happens. I called up Nath and told him about our plan. He was coming to the showroom


I went downstairs ''Uh....Liz the manager is calling you. I'll take her.''

Liz went and i introduced myself ''I remember u.... Rachel Johnson the school's all rounder in evrything!'' she said.

''Yes...ok this bike has a horsepower of-''

''I always knew Nathan liked me!''

''Excuse me?'' i said

''Yea......u know tht he is a famous person now and i met him yesterday''

'Yes, he is the member of the wanted! You were there with him yesterday?''

''Yes and the whole day we were together! We went for bowling.''


''oh i see''

''And he even kissed me!''

How many lies can an ass say?!?!?!? At the right moment Nathan came,

''Hi Rachel!'' ''Hey Nath''

He put his arms around me and kissed me on my check.

''You were saying........'' i said

''Uh.......hi nathan.......tell Rachel how much f-''

''Lets face it Charlotte i never loved i always loved rachel! Now we r in a relationship!''

She made a 'ugh!' face and walked away. We went to our place and high 5'ed each other.

''That was epic! Did u see her face?''

At 5:30pm we reached home.

''Hey guys! Hey tom!'' said Liz and went and kissed him.

We were having dinner ''Hey.....we hav a party tomorrow at 8pm hope yr free!''

''Yea we hav an holiday tomorrow!Tomorrow is Wednesday...last day of the week!''

''Great! Its a formal party!'' said Siva.  ''Oh great .....i hav no idea how to dance!'' i said.

''I'll teach u'' said Nathan

''In 3hrs? I dont think so!'' i said.

''I can teach u.....'' Nathan said and winked at me.

Nathan's POV:

The next morning i knocked on Rachel's door.''Rachel? Rach?'' i opened the door and she was not there....i serched the whole house she wasn't there. I called her she picked up the phone.

''Hey rach were are u?''

''Driving my bike and roaming the streets of london!''

''U r drivivng and talking to me at the same time?''

''Im using a blutooth u baboon!''

''Oh.....were did u go exactly?''

''I went to the beach.........''

''Ok....tell me where did u go really?''

''Went to buy a dress....but i didn't get one!''

''It's fine come home let's practise dancing!''

''Be there in 5mins!''

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