Chapter 19

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Nathan's POV:

I smiled and winked at her.

We landed in London. We came outside and there were so many fans and the press was there.

''Nathan! Is this your girlfriend? How long have you been dating?'' I ignored them and went back home.

In my room ''I think we should tell the people that we are dating!'' i said. She looked at me with her mouth open.''Look if we dont tell them they'll find out and the prople will no longer trust us!'' i said.

''Alright but.....''

''But what?''

''Wat if they hate me?'' she said. I went to her and wrapped my hands around her.

''They wont! Look...Nareesha was also scared about fans hating her........but everyone one loves seev and nareesha's love chemistry!'' i said and she smiled at me. She kissed me and I pulled away.

''What the hell?'' she said.

''I thought the average was 6!''

''Idiot!'' she turned around and was about to walk away....i pulled her towards me.

''I was just joking my love!'' and I kissed her.

''Ahem.....lovebirds.....we have an interview tomorrow!'' said Max.

''Thanks Max....'' she said and kissed me again.

''By the way....wat are you guys planning to do tonight?'' and raised his eyebrow. I took a pillow and threw it at max ''Get lost!'' he laughed and went.

''Ok....its getting off to bed! Goodnight!'' she said. I didn't let her go... '' tired!''

''So sleep here!Ok?'' and winked at her. She smiled and said ''Um........not ok!''

''Fine i wont leave you!'' She tried to move away..... '' ain't going anywhere!''

''Ok fine I'll sleep here!'' she finally said. I let her go and she ran.

''See ya!'' she said.

''Come here!'' I chased her to the hall. She stood behind Siva. I came from the right side she went form the other side.

''Do you guys always chase each other?''

''Bad time to answer!'' she said ran to her room. She went inside.

Rachel's POV:

I went inside the room and nath stood at the door. He smiled and and closed the door and locked it.

''Nath, what are you doing?'' i asked. He waked towards me and I walked backbards. I fell on the bed. He fell on top of me ''I love you!'' he said

''I love you too!'' i replied.''Now get off me!'' I tried to move but he had pinned me to the bed.

''Not this time!'' gave me a kiss. I slept next to Nathan. He put his hands under my shirt and around my waist.

The next morning Tom came banging the door ''Hey lovebirds.....are you going to stay in bed the whole time? Get up!'' I got up and Nath was sleeping beside me. ''Good morning beautiful!" he said.

''Good morning....get up! You have a interveiw today!'' I went had a bath and came out. I went downstairs and had breakfast. ''So wat did you do last night? Max asked I threw a pillow at him

''Shut up!'' i said.

''I dont wanna go for the interveiw....they'll put make up on my face!'' said Siva

''Capital FM?'' asked Liz.

''Yes,Kelsey!'' said Tom

''Whoa.....From when did Elizabeth become Kelsey?!'' i asked

''She never told you?'' said Tom

''Told wat?'' i asked

''Nothing! THOMAS SHUT UP!'' said Liz

''Liz's real name is Kelsey!'' tom said

''Shut up!'' said Liz.

''Liz! You never told us!'' Megan said.

''Kelsey Elizabeth Chase!'' tom said. Liz.....i mean Kelsey started hitting Tom. Tom caught Kelsey's hands and pulled her for a kiss. I looked away and smiled. Nathan came downstairs.

I was listeing to songs. For a reason I love 'Gold Forever'! ''butterfies,butterfies we were meant to fly you and i you and i we could rule the world.....''' I sang. I saw Max and Tom acting like chicken just like in the video.

We went to the interview and Tom and I were racing in our bikes! When the boys started talking......i was a bit scared because Nathan was going reveal our secret! That's gonna hurt the fans!

After some question the guy asked the boys to answer in one word 'Single or taken'.





All the boys answered and it came down to Nathan ''Taken!'' he said. When we went to the car the press was asking us questions. ''Yes! She is my new girlfriend!" he said. When we went home Siva opened his twitter and saw ''congrats,congrats, congrats, congrats........rats! Mate!''

We did a twitcam............We told everyone my twitter Id and OMG.........648 followers in 1 hour?! How cool is that?

''I told they wouldn't hate you!'' Nathan said. I smiled I went to the kitchen to get some Coke Nathan came to me and said

''Im glad you came!''

                                                                     THE END!!!!!!!!


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