SEUNGSIK • Magnetic Mismatch

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fluff, 4.1k words

YOU and Seungsik sat in your physics class, both dreading the next hour. You were assigned as lab partners, much to your mutual dismay. But Seungsik was eager to make the best of the situation; however, you just wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible.

Your teacher, Ms. Yoon, stood at the front of the room, holding a stack of papers. "Good morning, class," she said brightly.

"This is it," You muttered, disappointment undeniable in your voice.

Your teacher continued, "Today, we're starting a new unit on magnetism. This is an exciting subject, as it's about opposite poles attracting each other. We'll explore this concept in depth over the next few weeks."

She looked around the room, making eye contact with each student. "For our first project, you'll work in pairs to create a visual representation of opposite poles attracting each other. I want you to get creative and think outside the box. You can use any materials you like - Legos, Play-Doh, or paper mache; it's up to you. Make sure your project is clear, concise, and accurately represents the concept of opposite poles attracting each other."

She started handing out the papers, giving one to each student. "Here are the instructions for your project. You have three weeks to complete it; remember, it will be worth a significant portion of your grade. So, get to work!"

Three weeks to endure.

Seungsik was bouncing with excitement as he and you left the classroom. "This is going to be so cool! I can't wait to get started on our project. I have a lot of ideas running through my mind now. What do you think we should do, Y/N? Gauss meter? Spring scale? Nah, it should be a creative one, Seungsik. Maybe legos? Yes, legos! I have a lot of them because I used to collect them. What do you think?"

You, on the other hand, were more reserved. "You talk too much. It's just a project. No need to get too excited about it."

He frowned, a little taken aback by your nonchalance. "Come on, Y/N. It's an opportunity to be creative and have fun with science. Don't you think that's cool?"

You shrugged. "I guess. But it's still just a project. We have to get it done, no matter what."

Seungsik is feeling a little disappointed. He had been hoping to work with a partner who shared his excitement. "Well, I'm still going to have fun with it. And I think we'll do great together. We make a good team, you know."

You raised an eyebrow. "Do we?"

"Of course! You're smart and driven, and I'm creative and enthusiastic. Together, we're unstoppable!" Seungsik grinned, hoping to brighten her mood.

You shook your head. "We are polar opposites, Seungsik. We're not exactly the perfect match."

He just chuckled. "Opposites attract, remember? That's the whole point of this project, Y/N."

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