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He lends me his t-shirt. Correction: New T shirt. I wouldn't mind the old ones though.

I find him in the kitchen. So he is gonna cook now?
"You cook?"
"Sometimes." He replied.
"Pasta?" I see him boiling some spaghettis.
"You like pasta?" He asks
"I love pasta."

"You live here alone?" I ask him.
"Where are your parents?" I hope he is not getting annoyed.
Were they always in other countries? Did he grow up alone? However I don't ask him. Trying not to be nosy.
"The are in Canada now. Both of them are foreign ambassadors. So they tend to live in other countries every 3 years." He explains.
"Siblings?" I ask.
"Nope." He is now putting tomato paste in the pan.
"You live with your father?" He asks.
"Yes." And I hate that.

"Why don't you get some dogs?" I suggest him but he scrunches his nose.

"What? Don't tell me you don't like dogs." His face goes red.
"Or maybe you have  a bad experience with them?" I point at him.
He turn into the other direction. Perhaps avoiding my question.

He tries to grab the salt but I snatch it away. "Answer me if you want the salt back."

"The second one." He says finally and takes the salt from my hand.
Hahahha. I knew it.
"What did they do? Bite you?"
"Chased me." Comes his reply.
I laugh.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't be laughing but I can't."
"I was just a kid." He says.
"Sure sure whatever suits your ego." I keep laughing.
"What about cats?" I ask him again.
"Didn't think about."

"I know you didn't ask me but I would love to have dogs. 2 dogs and 2 puppies to be exact. I have even decided their name."

"Tell me their name." He seems genuinely interested.

"Okay don't laugh but the mother name would Juliet, the father will be Romeo and the kids will be named Jack and Rose."

He starts laughing.
"I told you not to laugh." I smack his back.

"Sorry" He laughs again.

Did I tell you the pasta was mind blowing awesome? The best. This boy beside me is incredibly talented.

My favorite day so far <3

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