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 " Privacy, in fact, was almost as desirable for physics as it was for sex"                               


"Reyzel, Wait! We have the same class. Let's go together."

 I don't have to look back because I know that voice. It's the girl from yesterday. However I don't stop, I keep marching forward. I don't know why she is suddenly after me. I have seen her a couple of time  pranking others with her group. Yesterday I liked seeing her getting annoyed. For some reason it entertained me.

 "I told you to stop. You made me run a mile"

"25 feet " I corrected. 

She rolled her eyes at me, still breathing hard because of the running. I entered the classroom, took my seat and found her sitting next to me. She never seat  in the middle. She barely comes here. And after not even 30 minutes I find her sleeping. She looks different while she is sleeping. Calm and peaceful.



She stands up all on a sudden , still shocked when the teacher yelled her name.

 "You were sleeping"

"Nope my eyes were just closed" God, she is impossible. 

"You didn't submit your assignment, did you?"


"Submit it today after the school ends. And if you don't, you know very well how I'll make you do that" She stands there quietly. That's something out of her character. 

"Kingston, make sure she submits the papers in time." 

I nod.

Mrs. Rose knows I usually stay at the library after all the classes. Maybe that's why she picked me.

 "In the library." I tell her before leaving the room.

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