Chapter 2: Do You Trust Me?

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"Hey, man, sorry for calling it early," Colby apologized as he and Sam passed each other in the kitchen of the Airbnb that night.  Colby had gotten distracted from going to bed by scrolling through TikTok, finally looking up as Sam went to the cabinet to get a glass.  "You passing out just kinda freaked me out."

"It's all good," Sam assured him, waving it off.  "I probably would have done the same thing if you'd've passed out too."  He filled the cup with water.  "Would have scared the shit out of me."

"You did scare the shit out of me," Colby said, tucking his phone in his pocket.  "Like when you just dropped..." He shuddered, crossing his arms over his chest.

Sam winced, "Sorry," He cracked a smile.  "Wouldn't have done it if I had any say.  But uh..." He paused, "Thanks for looking out for me.  And, you know, keeping me from bashing my head in on the floor."

Colby snorted.  "Yeah, sure thing man," He said, swinging a hand out and gripping Sam's shoulder.  "I'm here for you, you know that."

Sam smiled at him.  "Yeah, I know."  He looked down into his cup of water.  "It was just really weird, you know?" He said.  "Like I've never, ever felt like that during one of our investigations.  I've never like, passed out."

"Yeah, really freaky," Colby agreed.  "You don't think like..." It was a dumb question, but he had to ask it.  So he added a joking lilt to his voice.  "You don't think you got like, possessed or anything, right?"

Sam choked on his water, coughing. "God, I hope not," He muttered, "I mean... I don't feel like I'm possessed."  He paused, then grinned at Colby.  "Wouldn't I be screaming at you in Latin by now if I were?"

Colby shrugged, chuckling a little bit, "Yeah, maybe." He shrugged.  "I dunno, Amanda just said your energy was weird when we were carrying you downstairs so... I wanted to check in, you know?"

Sam didn't seem to have known that.  "She said my energy was weird?" Sam looked alarmed.  "Does she think I have like, another attachment?  I just got rid of the last one."

Colby shook his head, remembering what Amanda had said.  "She said she didn't think that's what it was," Colby explained slowly.  "She said that would look different.  Like separate energies or something."

Sam pressed his lips together briefly.  "I mean, I feel fine," He said hesitantly.  "Maybe it was just off because of the whole experience?" He offered. "Like maybe whatever we were talking to pulled energy from me and it made me like, look weird? I dunno..." He pressed his lips together again.

"Yeah, maybe," Colby agreed.  That would make the most sense.  Ghosts and spirits had certainly pulled from them before.  "The camera battery dropped too.  Maybe it was just a side effect." And then he made a connection. "Maybe that's why you passed out."

"Maybe..." Sam mused, worry clear in the lines of his face.

"But you're feeling fine now?" Colby asked, needing to double check.

Sam just nodded. "Yeah. A little tired, but like," He huffed a breath.  "It's 4AM."

"Fair." Colby watched him as Sam finished the water in his cup.  "You gonna be okay to keep filming like we planned?" He asked.  "You know we got another investigation tomorrow."  Honestly later today because of the time at this point.

Sam nodded.  "Yeah, I'll be fine," He said, washing the cup briefly in the sink. "I think I just need some sleep."

"Yeah, me too."  Fuck, he was tired.  Tomorrow was gonna be a coffee day.  "Lemme know if you need to reschedule, okay?"

Sam nodded, giving him a grateful smile.  "Yeah, sure thing, dude."  He set the cup down on the counter to dry, pushing off the counter. "Talk to you in the morning?"

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