Chapter 11: Planning

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Colby hissed in pain, pulling his ankle into his line of sight. It was bad . Purple and angry and rapidly swelling. "Fuck..." He muttered, wondering how fucked the bone underneath was. He could feel the grinding of broken bone whenever his ankle moved unwillingly.

There were a lot of bones in there, right? Like two leg bones and feet bones? How fucked was it in there?

He knew he wouldn't know until they got out of here. Until he could get to a hospital and get an x-ray.

How the fuck was he going to explain this to any sort of doctor?

He was... he was pretty fucked up. And he was having a hard time finding any explanation that wouldn't immediately point to being fucking kidnapped and tortured, with the bruises around his wrists and ankles and neck, the deliberate knife cuts across his body, the broken bones, the deep bite mark on his shoulder, the trauma to... more delicate areas.

He leaned back in the computer chair, shifting in discomfort. Everything was still sore, still sensitive.

Fuck... How the fuck could he even explain that to a doctor? If they started to examine him, would they insist on looking there? How would he explain it if they did? He didn't want Sam to get in trouble.

Because even if it hadn't been Sam, it was still Sam's body, Sam's DNA. Didn't those tests test for that?

Colby groaned, pressing his good hand into his face. He didn't want to fuck Sam over. He didn't. So he couldn't...

What the fuck was he going to do?

He glanced at his phone, still quiet in his hand. No word from Amanda.

He'd deal with the hospital thing later. Even though everything fucking hurt. He needed to save Sam first.

He'd deal with everything else later.


Kat's breath seemed to freeze in her chest when she stepped into the room. The room seemed colder than the rest of the house. Maybe the AC was turned up in here?

Maybe the demon could control the temperature?

She let out a quiet breath of amusement at that thought. Stas glanced at her, still in the doorway and holding the door open. Fear painted her face white, and Kat thought she might be shaking a little bit too. "You sure about this?" Stas whispered.

Standing here in the room with the demon, Kat suddenly wasn't sure. It felt different. More unsafe.


And then Sam's face turned to look at her, and Katrina looked desperately at his eyes, searching for his eyes, for Sam's eyes, not the demon's disturbing version of them.

For a minute, she could have sworn it was Sam looking at her. Not the demon looking through his eyes, but honestly Sam. The man she was in love with.

And then his eyes changed, and the air changed, and Katrina was suddenly sure that it was the demon that she was looking at.

"Hello, Katrina," It was a twisted, dark version of Sam's voice, and even without the eyes she would have heard it and known something was wrong. She wasn't sure how to explain the way that darkness just leaked from it, but it was a tangible feeling.

Shit. She'd come in here to talk to it but now she had no idea what to say. It wasn't Sam, it was some demon, and that was abundantly clear to her now.

The demon's face turned sadistic. "You were hoping to talk to him, weren't you?" It crooned, and Katrina forced back the shudder at its tone.

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