Chapter 10: Consequences

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Amanda didn't believe them at first. Objectively, Colby couldn't blame her. After all the skits they'd done and things done together, believing that Sam had actually been possessed was pretty insane.

Colby didn't expect that it would hurt him as much as it did that they didn't believe him.

His insides had iced over in the aftermath of the rescue. And as he explained the events of the last two days, he hated that he had to be the one to explain them.

He just wanted to go hide and not talk to anyone for a while.

But he couldn't do that. A demon was still trapping Sam in his body. And fuck knew what it was doing to him in there.

He had to find a way to help Sam.

Amanda's smile had finally fallen entirely as Katrina finished telling her the events of the rescue. She'd always been the one to take over for him when he was done talking.

Her or Sam.

"You're really not joking, are you?" Amanda's voice was quiet and horrified.

"Wish I was," Colby cleared his throat. It was still pretty fucked.

Ugh... bad choice of words.

"That's... Colby, I'm so sorry..." Amanda's voice was genuine and sincere.

The girls were staring at him. Colby tried to shake off the looks in their eyes. They didn't have time for this right now. He didn't have the mental space for this right now. "So what do you know about exorcisms and shit? Because this demon isn't going anywhere willingly." Maybe not the smoothest deflection, but it got his point across.

He did not want to talk about this right now.

Fortunately, Amanda took his lead. "So I've never... like, I've never dealt with a real posession," Amanda said, and her tone was apologetic. "That was never my job, you know?

"We know," Colby said, his fingers worrying the hem of the sweatshirt. "We just..."

"We didn't know who else to ask," Stas continued, and he caught the worried look she sent him.

He wondered how much she suspected. How much she'd figured out.

Bless her, she hadn't asked.

Colby looked back at the FaceTime call in time to see Amanda lean back into something, her face perturbed. "I'll call around. There's gotta be someone who might know what to do. But every exorcism I've heard of..." She hesitated. "It's too much for people like us. We can't fight things that are that powerful."

Colby barely withheld a shudder. Trust him, he knew that. "Thanks for checking," he said. "Let us know if you get anything, okay?"

Amanda almost seemed like she wanted to say something else, but she let it go. "Sounds good." She said instead. "I'll call you back when I have more information."

"Sounds good," Colby said. He heard the girls say their goodbyes, and then it was just the three of them in the room again.

The three of them and their friend being possessed locked in the other room.

Colby twisted his fingers together. "I don't know why I thought she would have more information," He admitted. "Like even with the Conjuring House she had something we could try, somewhere we could start."

Kat and Stas looked at each other, then at him. "But didn't she even say then that you guys weren't powerful enough to stop anything?" Stas asked. "And those were angry spirits and demons but they weren't... weren't powerful enough to possess someone."

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