Chapter 17: Home

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There was blood.  There was so much blood.

Sam grinned, looking at his fingers.  They dripped with the red liquid, and he pulled his first two fingers into his mouth to suck the blood from them.

"Delicious..." He crooned, and the body laying in front of him just gave a muffled sob.

He brought the knife back down, skillfully navigating the mutilation covered in blood and strips of flesh.

"Sam, please..."

Sam just laughed, euphoria racing through him at the agony he could feel from his victim, the anguish in his voice.  The pain wasn't even just physical, but emotional as well...

Blue eyes looked up at him desperately, pleading, begging with him to stop.  Their blue was still familiar and bright despite the blood covering everything else.

The blade was so sharp that it felt like nothing to slice into one of the last signs of who he was wetting his blade with.

He could hear someone else shrieking, shrieking his name, begging for him to stop, but he didn't want to.  Why would he stop? He lifted his hand, clenching at something that he only touched with his mind.  He heard the shrieks choke off.

It would be her turn next.  

For now, he still had so much more to do to the person in front of him.

The body twitched and spasmed with pain.  The severed ligaments and tendons made it impossible for him to try to escape, but the struggle was still precious to watch.

"Sam..." Colby choked out, and there was only one pleading eye staring at him now.  "Sam, please... stop..."

Sam just shook his head, maniacal grin still firmly in place, and lowered the blade again...

"No!" Sam choked on his scream, jolting to full wakefulness in a choked panic.  His chest burst with pain, his sudden sitting up pulling at the metal wires holding his chest closed but where was... where was Colby, where was...?

"Sam, you're okay, you're okay..." He knew that voice, and his eyes desperately sought to find Katrina's in the panic that ripped through him.

"Where's Colby?" He demanded, not registering his settings, mind's eye still full of panic and pain and blood...

"He's home, he's okay, baby, please be careful..." He felt her hand on his chest, one of his hands coming up to grip tightly around her wrist.

"He's okay?" Sam asked, trying to register where he was, what was going on.  Colby had just been in front of him, bleeding and mutilated and Katrina...

"He's okay, Sam, it was a nightmare, you're okay, just breathe, okay, breathe..."

Sam shuddered in horror.  "Colby... you're okay?  I'm not..."

"You're in the hospital, baby, you're okay, I promise," Kat murmured, and he felt a soft hand in his hair, stroking carefully.  "You're okay.  Everyone's safe, everyone's okay."

Sam stared at her, analyzing the lines of her face, her hair pulled up on top of her head.  He knew Katrina, he knew... she was here, she was okay...

"Fuck..." His heart was still racing, his breath still coming too fast, but the fog of the dream faded enough that he could take a moment to recognize his location.  The hospital setting came back with familiarity, the monitor on the wall, the IV in his arm, the bandages wrapped around his chest from his fucking open heart surgery...

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