第二章: Sick

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It's been a week and Shoko has finally removed the bandages off your eyes, allowing you to readjust to the light of the room and eventually to sunlight

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It's been a week and Shoko has finally removed the bandages off your eyes, allowing you to readjust to the light of the room and eventually to sunlight. At first, it was a little hard readjusting to the beaming light of the hospital room, squinting up only to cover your eyes with the palm of your hands.

Satoru being the worrywart that he now was, asked if maybe it was still too early for you to try and get re-accustomed to your vision. To his dismay, Shoko was firm on her decision- stating, "She'll never get better if we continue holding the progression of her treatment." Contrary to your lover, you were actually fine with trying to get used being able to see again, but you couldn't deny the fact that your eyes were extremely sensitive to light.

A couple more days passed and your eyesight was doing just fine, your vision was back to how it was before. Shoko has also allowed you to finally go back home to the penthouse that you and Satoru had barely lived in together, after all, the two of you barely spent a year in that penthouse together.. With Gojo being sealed and all.. So, delight, would be an understatement of a word to describe how you felt.

Gojo has also gone back to work, only for a quick mission. Therefore, on the day of your discharge, you had gone back home on your own. This was something Gojo was extremely against, but he would be one of the only ones that could get the job done quickly. Reluctantly, he took the mission, even though he wanted to be by your side on the day of your discharge. You truly didn't mind, at the end of the day, Gojo had promised you that he'll be back in your arms by the time morning comes. But to your surprise..

 But to your surprise

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Gojo Satoru was sick.

Now, this was indeed a rare occurrence. The greatest sorcerer of them all was coughing and coddled up in a cocoon of blankets, by the time you had awoken up from your slumber. Gojo being afraid of getting you sick right after you had just gotten back from the hospital, had slept downstairs on the couch. "Oh honey.." You'd mumble, as you pressed the back of your hand on his forehead. "You're running a fever.." He'd hum in response, giving you a lopsided grin, before coughing into the blanket.

"Come on.." You'd wrap his arm around your shoulder, as you helped him up the stairs into your shared bedroom. "Alright, now down we go.." Gently sitting him down on the bed, before laying him down and wrapping him in some more blankets. He'd mumble a soft thank you, as you watched him close his eyes, and soon after be lulled back to sleep.

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