That night i sat at the dinner table smiling non-stop. I really liked Connor. I mean, i reallyyyyy liked him. And to know that hes a wolf looking for a mate to, that just gives me more chances to be with him. Jake looked at me from across the table and stopped chewing.
"What are you smiling about?" He said. Everyone looked up and i immedietly frowned.
"Nothing." I said pushing my food around on my plate. J kicked my foot under the table.
"Oh." I said remembering that they could read my mind whenever they wanted. I rolled my eyes and stood up placing my napkin on the table neatly. I sighed before talking.
" I think i may have found my mate" i started, I could tell J wasnt expecting me to say someone other than Max. But the truth is i didnt want Max to be my mate.
"His name is Connor." I said loudly. J looked started and furowed his brow. Max's eyes grew and looked at me with interest. "Dont worry, hes a wolf. So is Mac." I said straight to Max. Max smiled slightly to himself. I could tell he was slightly dissapointed and happy at the same time. I mean, i was too. J nodded in aprovement and i smiled.
"Excuse me but im heading to bed early if you dont mind." I kissed Aunt Nina on the cheek, and the rest of the boys on the head. I headed upstairs to take a shower. As i grabbed my pajama shorts i heard something hit my window. I looked down and saw a huge grey wolf. Connor. I climbed out my window just as he was shifting to human. I jumped the 5 feet from my window to the ground and Connor caught me.
"Hey." He said smiling.
"Hey." I said biting my lips.
"Um, i need to know something." He said shyly.
"Go for it." I already knew what he was going to say.
"Do-" he started.
"No." I said quickly. " I'm looking for one though." I said smiling. He nodded and winked at me. We stood in awkward silence as a car passed. The moon was full and it looked Beautiful above the trees. I looked at my foot and i felt Connors hand slip under my chin, making him look at me. He leaned his face in. Our lips were barely touching and i pulled away. Something didnt feel right. I didnt want to kiss him.
"I'm so sorry Connor." I said putting my head down again. He nodded. I heard someone peak through my window above us.
"Sam, is that you down there?" I heard Caleb say.
"Um, yea." I said. Caleb saw Connor and smiled. "So this is Connor" He said teasing me.
"Yea, hi, i was just leaving." Connor said quickly shifting and walking away. I frowned and clumbed back to my window.
"Well, did you kiss?" Caleb said. Sometimes he could be the big sister i never had. I frowned.
"No. Something didnt feel right." I said walking into the bathroom and turning the shower on.
"You like Max." Caleb replied.
"I do not!" I yelled. Caleb shrugged.
"You obviously do." He said running out of the bathroom. Did i? I closed the bathrrom door and banged my head against it, sliding down to the floor slowly.
"I think i might like both, mom." I said before standing up and stripping my clothes off. I stuck my toe into the tub and slowly sank in. I sat there, lavender filling the room. I hear a knock at the door.
"This is J," I hear Jake say. "Open the door before i tear it down."
"Go away Jake." I said.
"How does she know its me?" He hissed under his breathe. I was guessing he was with either Caleb or Max. I drained the tub and quickly put my clothes on, hopping they'd be gone. I stepped out with my hair in a wet bun. I had a brown tank top on with long fluffy wolf pj pants on. Before i could reach my room i was grabbed by a hand and pulled into Jakes room. It was Jake and Max outside the bathroom door.
"Did you kiss him?" Jake said smiling. Max frowned.
"No Jake, i didnt kiss Connor." I said pissed. Max's face lit up.
'What happened?' He said trying to hide his smile.
"It didnt feel right." I said shrugging and opening Jakes bedroom door to step out. Jake blocked the way and pushed me back into Max. Jake winked at me and locked his door from the outside.
"What the hell.." I said trying to open the door. Max came to my side trying to help.
"Jake let us out!!" I screamed. I walked to the window and stepped onto the roof. "This boy has fucking mental problems." I said before walking to my bedroom window. Max followed behind me.
"Such a pretty face shouldnt be swearing like that." Max touched my shoulder and i could feel tingles through my body. I turned to face him as i stepped into my room. We store at eachother for at least 2 minutes. I leaned in and kiss him, on the lips. '
What am i doing?' I thought. I pulled away and Max was smiling
"Wow" He said. I covered my lips.
"Get out, NOW!" I yelled.
"But Sam-" he started
"NO! GET OUT!" I yelled. I slammed the door on him and sunk to the ground. I cried for an hour. I needed fresh air. I put on sweatpants and my sweatshirt. I snuck out of the house and shifted once i got into the forest. I ran and ran until i was 5 towns away from our town, Forks. I heard rustling in the bushes as 3 men came out of the brush. I stood still as time froze. The last thing i heard was a howl.

Howl at the moon
Teen FictionSammi wasn't your normal teenage girl. Her only friends were her cousins who took her under there wing... Or paw, after her parents were shot. Now, your guessing why she's not normal, well, Sammi's a wolf. She's the only white wolf left and her cous...