I could sense something was wrong when I saw Connor and Sam walked into the school. I walked over to Sam and Connor, noticing the necklace on Sams neck.
"Where were you two?" I said growling.
"Calm down Gaurdian. We just went for lunch." Connor replied. I slowly relaxed but the tension between Sam and I confused me.
"What were you up too?" Sam asked me.
"Oh you know, just serving detention." I said rubbing my neck.
"What!?" She yelled and then covered her mouth realizing how loud she was. I laughed.
"Supposedly, punching Derek James wasn't a good idea." Sam rolled her eyes.
"Your such an idiot." She giggled. Connor tugged on Sams hand and they walked down the hall.
"See you after class Max!" She yelled waving.
"Yea, see ya." I whispered and walked down the hall to my next period.
Honestly I wanted to be with Max more than I wanted to be with Connor for some reason. As Connor and I walked down the hall, he tightened his grip on my hand.
"Connor, what's wrong?" I asked removing my hand from his. He turned around to look at me, his eyes flaring.
"You and Max. That's what's wrong Sam. I see the way you look at him." He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.
"You know I'm with you Connor!" I said grabbing his arm, but he pulled away.
"No, Sam. I can't do this. I know you want him." He put his head in his Hands for a minute and then looked at me.
"We need a break Sam." He said. I groaned.
"Connor, I want to be with you." I said, tears forming in my eyes.
"No, you want to be with him." He said and stormed away. I ran into the janitors closet and cried. What else was I supposed to do?
After about 20 minutes I heard the door open. I looked up to see our janitor Tony looking at me frowning.
"Sam, what's wrong?" He said kneeling beside me rubbing my hand.
"Uh, um, Connor and I just broke up. I'm lost, Tony. I don't know what to do anymore." I replied wiping my tears.
" ah, love. I see. Lets get you to the nurse and we can talk about this ok?" He said. I nodded. We walked down to the nurses office with his arm around my shoulders.
We got to the nurses office only to find Max and Derek there. I rolled my eyes as Max and Derek stared at my tear streaked face. Tony gave them a death stare and brought me into the back room.
"You wait here and ill tell the nurse" he said smiling. I nodded. After tony left, I say in complete silence. I looked around the room. Everything was blue. The walls, the chairs, the pictures. I guess it was just a calming color. I dazed for a minute until I heard yelling.
"But she's my cousin!" I heard Max yell.
"Max, please calm down." The nurse replied calmly.
"Nurse Nancy, I really think you should let him in. She didn't look very well." Derek replied. I shook my head.
"Please don't let him in dear lord." I prayed.
"Your not going in son." I heard Tony say. Thank you, thank you!

Howl at the moon
Teen FictionSammi wasn't your normal teenage girl. Her only friends were her cousins who took her under there wing... Or paw, after her parents were shot. Now, your guessing why she's not normal, well, Sammi's a wolf. She's the only white wolf left and her cous...