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I was free

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I was free.

That's what Andromeda thought as she was underwater. Every time she went into the sea, it set her free. Free from responsibilities, free from her annoying parents, free from her little brothers nagging and free from the world that brings her down.

Andromda heard someone yelling her name that was drowned out by the water. Reluctantly, she swam up to the surface to see what was happening.

As her head came up, she noticed it was her little brother, Capsian yelling at her "ANDY! Come on, Mom wants us back for lunch!"

Andromeda or as her brother called her, Andy stayed a float while yelling back "I'll be right there!"

Caspian nodded and waited for her. Andy swam to the shore and as she was walking towards her brother, she noticed something. It was a man, someone of her age, swinging a trident around while fishing.

Caspian looked at her and noticed her staring, he commented "Do you remember him?"

Andy looked back at her brother as she asked "Remember who?"

"That's Finnick Odair? The capitols golden boy? You two were in the same class, he also came to our house sometimes when his mother had asked mom to make a fish pie" Caspian explained as he gave her a small smile "It's a shame what happened to his family, his mother and ours were very good friends."

Andy nudged her brother while asking "Does someone have a crush on the capitols golden boy?"

Caspian shrugged her off while stammering "W-what? No! When he won, I was just curious, so I asked mom if she knew him and she told me all of that."

"Okay... Stalker boy" Andy hummed and Caspian threw some sand at her. Andy laughed while running away.

Unknown to them both, a certain blond was staring at them instead of fishing.

"Caspian! Cas! We have to stop and get back before mom rips our head off!" Andy tried to reason with Caspian.

Caspian frowned and dropped the sand he had in his hands while agreeing "Fine."

He held out his hand towards her, she ignored it and wrapped and arm around him while messing up his hair.

He playfully pushed her away and both of them continued to annoy each other on the way back to their house.

They arrived, but both stopped a they notice their door was kicked open.

Andy turned to Caspian while saying "Stay here."

Before he could protest she was gone. Andy walked inside and noticed that most of their stuff was thrown around. It looked like someone had a fight inside their own house, but Andy knew that wasn't possible because her parents were two of the most kindest people in district 4.

Their house felt cold, like something had sucked all the old comfort that it gave her out.

She noticed that the stove was still on as a pan of stew was on it, she yelled out "MOM? DAD?"

Someone answered, but it wasn't inside the house as a scream was heard. Andy recognised it, it was her mom.

Andy rushed outside and ran to the direction where the scream came from, her brother wasn't far behind her.

The ended up at the centre, both of their parents were on their knees as peacekeepers stood next to them... with a gun to their heads.

The two siblings tried rushing towards their parents, but other people held them back while they both yelled "MOM! DAD! Let us go! MOM!"

The male peacekeeper that stood in front of their parents looked at them and pointed "Are these your parents?"

Andy responded "Yes! Please just let them go, we didn't do anything against the rules!"

"Bring the girl forward" The male peacekeeper ordered and two others grabbed Andy's arms while dragging her forward. The male peacekeeper got close to her and asked "You're parents held the symbol of rebellion, they're rebels and we kill rebels."

Andy shook her head and begged "Please don't do this."

The male peacekeeper shook his head while saying "Let this be a lesson, there will be no rebellion" He nodded towards the peacekeepers that stood by their parents.

Andy and Caspian both knew what this meant and yelled "NO!"

The peacekeepers pulled their triggers and shots were fired.

Andy was in shock as both her parents bodies fell to the ground. Her brother was yelling in the background, but it all felt deaf to her ears.

She felt like she was back in the water. Silence, voices drowned out and when she tried to swim up, she wasn't free as chains held her down.

The rest of the day was a blur, she didn't know how she got back to the house, she didn't know how the next day, the house was back to normal only the cold and empty feeling was still there.

If only she knew that it was only the beginning of her pain...

𝐀 𝐟𝐞𝐰 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤s 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

Andy stood in the ocean. Her brother has been trying to teach her how to fish, normally he would do it for them, but he had hurt himself and couldn't.

She was the one who had to make sure they had dinner for the day and maybe tomorrow, but the one thing that she hated was happening.

She was failing, every time a fish got close and she tried to stab it, it would just swim away. She groaned as she missed another one.

"Hey..." a young male voice spoke up "I have some extra fish and you can have them if you want?"

She looked up and made eye contact with sea green eyes. She looked back at the knife she was holding and then to the sack of fish the male was holding, her pride was not letting her grab it, but she knew better that she couldn't fish yet.

She reluctantly grabbed it while staring at the water and mumbled "Thank you..."

"No problem, have you're brother teach you more often. I have seen him out here before and he's told me that he's trying to teach you" the male voice told her again.

She just kept staring at the water and not looking up, she hummed in acknowledgement and nodded her head a bit.

She heard the man chuckle and walking away while yelling over his shoulder "Have a nice day and say hi to your brother for me!"

Andy just frowned and walked away. Sea green eyes, sea green eyes, the eyes just wouldn't leave her mind as she walked back home where her brother was awaiting her.

-𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞- 𝙷𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌 (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now