𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔♆

79 2 2

Today was again a training day and it was the exact same as before, breakfast and then heading towards the training centre.

Only this time, Finnick wasn't at breakfast and for some reason, Andy felt a little disappointed at that. She thought that the only reason she felt like that was because he couldn't give them any new advice, but she knew deep inside she was worried for him.

Before they entered the training centre, Caspian stopped them and told her "Try to do some weapon training, but make it look like you're struggling."

Andy looked at him wide eyed and whined "You know I can't do that! I can only hold back, but I can't make it seem like I am struggling!

Caspian frowned and nodded while proposing "What if we train against each other, you grab a weapon you're not the best in and when we train, you hold back as much as you can."

Andy frowned, but nodded anyway.

As they entered, they both immediately went towards the training station. Andy looked at all the weapons they had, her brother would use the trident and she knew that she was also pretty good at that. She noticed two blades that yelled out to her, but reminded herself she must use a weapon she is not that good at. A spear she was also good at because she had perfected her skills with that long ago and the last thing left was an axe. She sighed because she knew her axe skills were almost horrible, but she had no other choice if she wanted to follow the plan.

She grabbed the axe and made her way over to her brother, who was swinging the trident around playfully while giving her an amused look.

She shook her head at him and he took that as a challenge to begin as he swung forward. Startled, Andy just managed to block the hit with her axe and knock him away.

She pointed out "Cheater, I wasn't ready!"

He just shrugged "In the arena you're also not ready, but that doesn't stop them."

Andy grumbled, because she had said almost the exact same words to him when they were once training in the woods, only it was about fighting people and not the arena.

Andy ran at him, he just managed to get out of the way and jump over her axe that did a low hit. Unknown to them, almost every tribute was watching them fight with excitement in their eyes.

He tried to knock her axe away and onto the mat, but she ducked while kicking her feet out. He was knocked down, but recovered as he knocked her down as well. He gave her a secret look as if to say 'Remember the plan'

she grumbled and rolled her eyes. The next things she knew was Caspian swinging his trident at her, she could block it, but remembered the plan as she let it hit her.

She was knocked down with a groan and Caspian held his trident to her neck.

The tributes around them cheered while some just walked away, they thought that Andy was weak and she could have easily dodged that.

Andy grumbled as Caspian held out his hand for her to take, she took it and he pulled her off the mat.

The careers approached them and the male district 2 tribute spoke "Now that... That was show."

"You know, if you guys wanted to join the careers this year, we would let you" The male district 1 tribute smirked, but he didn't notice both the female tributes glare at their members.

The female district 2 spoke "Yeah, we could protect your sister while you help us take out the others" the tone she used made Andy tense.

Andy and Caspian shared looks, which didn't go unnoticed by the careers as the male district 1 introduced "I am Darren and these are the rest of the careers" he pointed at the female district 1 "This is Audrey" He then pointed to district 2 tributes "And these are Lucien and Marlene."

-𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞- 𝙷𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌 (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now