Chapter Twenty : Ollie's P.O.V.

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Ollie's P.O.V

I never through that my brother would be here with me, I was lucky that he come over tonight after everything that has happened at the hotel and then with Mindy. I know that there was a reason for his visit but at the moment I didn't care at all, all I wanted is for Mindy to come out of this alright, she has changed me in some way, she has brought this light to my life that no one has ever done.

I've never been this worried in my life believe me I've seen a lot of things in this lifetime. I couldn't help but feel as if this was my fault, it I would have just stayed with her instead of sending her off alone to the cabin.

"What could of truly happen?" thoughts just started to run through my mind, "Is she going to alright? What if something goes completely wrong? Or worst?" I just kept pacing back and forward not paying attention to anything else going on.

"Ollie, please bro can you just sit down?" Eddie told him.

"Fine," I would sit down for a moment but then I would get back on pacing back and forward, just wondering if she was still alive, if she was going to come out of this alright, she had to be alright. She meant everything to me. OMG, I've fallen in love with her!

"Ollie, please. I know that she's okay," Eddie said to him reassuring him.

That's when I hear the double doors open but I was hoping that it was the doctor but it wasn't it was just a nurse passing through the waiting room. "Man, what the hell is taking so long, it's been like four hours?" Ollie said out loud.

"Excuse me, for Mindy Blake," a doctor said.

"Yes," I said rushing up to him.

"And who are you to her?" the doc asked.

"I'm her, her?" I didn't know what to say I surly couldn't say that I was her Master or even her dominant. I didn't know what word I should totally use.

"He's her boyfriend," Eddie stood up and said.

"Alright, well Miss Mindy, has a broken rib that punched on of her lunges, her right leg is broken in two places that's the reason why she couldn't walk or breath but also we found some internal bleeding that we were able to stop, that's the reason why it has taken us so long to work on her," he told me.

I couldn't say a word, all I could think of was that this was all my fault, I should of never let her leave alone, I should of gotten in the car with her.

"Well can we go in and see her, Doctor?" Eddie asked him since he was the way I was feeling at the moment.

"I'm sorry only family could go in at the moment until visiting hours start for friends," he replied.

"That totally bullshit!" I finally said as I once again found my voice.

"Sir please, keep your voice down."

"Look she has no other family but me and I'm not waiting for the next three hours to see if she's alright. She needs me there with her," I told him with tears building up in my eyes.

"Well that will be find, Sir. But only you, your brother will need to wait her," he told us.

Eddie gave me a pat on the back assuring me that everything was going to be alright, that he would be right here for me if I needed him. "Tell Mindy that I'm right here, okay bro."

"I totally well, Eddie. Thank you for being here with me, thank you for everything," Ollie said to his brother.

I followed the doctor in and he took me to where they had her, I stood there for a moment I couldn't find myself to walk in just yet. But after a few minutes I slowly opened the door to find that she was peacefully sleeping and no long is such pain.

I walked to the bed, every step I took was as if I was stepping to the beat of her heart, it was drawing me into her. Man so looked at peace, even with all the bruises upon her skin and the scratch from the glass on her face but it totally looked as if nothing could touch her in this world.

I stood beside the bed no wanting to touch her or cause her any more pain, but for some reason maybe it was God's will, her hand slipped from the bed and I grabbed it wanting to be able to touch her soft beautiful skin. I reached over and scooted a chair closer to the bed so I would be able to wrap both of my hands around hers.

As I sat there, her hands seemed so cold, and dry but all I wanted to do was hold it and warm up her hand. But also I was scared that she would wake and be in such pain once again, I didn't want her to be in any kind of pain again.

"Mindy, I'm so sorry." I began to say to her as tears ran down my face, "This is all my fault. If I would have just drove with you there or even just let you stay besides me none of this would have happened to you. I would have been able to her your beautiful voice at this moment and see those amazing wonderful eyes and that sexy smile.... God, I'm so sorry."

At that moment her hand felt a little warmer and she tighten her hand a little more around mines. I don't know if she heard me or maybe she was dreaming as she usually did, but it couldn't be because she did it once again and I her a faint sound.

"Mm," she quietly said.

"Mindy?" I question said hoping that she was waking up. I just wanted to hear her say my name anything at this point.

"Ollie," she said with her voice raspy, as she slowly opened her eyes to look at things around her. "Ollie," repeated once again and then looked up at me with eyes filled with tears.

She didn't say other word, but I know she was in pain, she didn't have to say anything to me. She tried to move onto her side to face me, but when she tried she let out a little yell of pain.

"Don't try to move on your own," I told her. I let go of her hand and moved to the other side of her bed so that I could slowly help her turn onto her side. Then I returned to my chair, she reached out to grab my hand once again intertwining our fingers together.

"Can you lay with me," she asked me.

"I don't want to hurt it," I replied to her but she was being stubborn with me.

"Please it will make me feel so much better," she told me as she tighten her grab on my hand.

"Alright," I sighed and got up from the chair and walked over to the other side of the bed. I slowly got in and softly placed my arm around her. She seemed happy because before I know it we were both peacefully asleep.

We laid there together just snuggling against one other in such a small little bed, it was totally uncomfortable but I laid her with her and that's all the comfort that I needed. This helped me for some reason that I couldn't even explain it in words, but I was at peace knowing that I had her in my arms.

All I know is that no matter what has happen, I will never choose to let her go again. I wanted to stay besides her just like this forever, just to exist with her in our own little world, she had changed me and I know that in the end I have fallen in love with this amazing woman.

"Mindy, I love you," I whispered as everything went dark.

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