Chapter Nineteen

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I would with this pounding headache, there was blood staining my shirt. I looked around the car to once but I couldn't see Mark or anything else. I moved feeling the pain of my body, I found the car door and pushed it has hard as I could to get out. As I moved away, I could feel my legs feeling like jello and very weak. I looked down at my shield and noticed a piece of the windshield was causing me to blood out, I was in the middle of nowhere and I didn't know where Mark could be.

I began to feel cold, I was going to die, I was going to end up dying out here all alone and the funny thing is that I wanted to die, to easy this brutal pain I felt. I took a few steps to see if I could see anything but I couldn't even hold myself up, I felt the glass move alittle, I wrapped my hand around it trying to kept it still but I could feel the blood running down my hand, I fall to the ground and coughed out blood. I truly was dying.

I laid there on the ground, hoping that death would take me soon, but I know that I wasn't ever going to see Ollie again, for the first time in my life I was in love with a man who I never thought I could love anyone ever in this lifetime.

I eyes began to glaze over when I saw a flash of light in the distance, but I had no idea where the light was coming from. I tried to yell out but I couldn't find my voice. There was no use of it at all.

"MINDY?" I thought it was the wind calling out my name. "MINDY, please answer me?" the voice called out to me once again and that's why I know that it wasn't the wind. I tried my best to get to my feet but my legs buckled underneath me once again leaving me on the cold rainy ground. I felt the pain of the glass in my stomach, the pain ran throughout my body, down my legs, arms and spine.

"Mindy," he called out again and that's when I noticed who it was. I heard his footsteps running up to I and then a pair of strong arms picked me up and it caused me to yell out in pain.

"Mindy, I'm so sorry, please baby please stay with me. Don't close those beautiful eyes, just stay looking at me. Okay."

I wanted to tell him I loved him, but I couldn't say a word still. I couldn't move anymore, I didn't feel my body at all.

Before I know it, he had lifted me up into the ambulance. "Alright we need to get here to the hospital soon, so let's get this bucket moving," he yelled out.

"I'm coming with her," I heard Ollie said.

"Sir, sorry-"

"I said I was coming with her and that's that," he angry said. Then the doors were closed and the ambulance begin to move.

"Alright we need to work fast and get this glass out so that we can stop this bleeding," the man's voice said while he place his hand on the glass in which I yelled out in pain once again.

"No, don't move it at all. It's in there too deep," other voice said.

"Alright then let's give her some morphine," the man's voice said and that's when I felt a sharp stuck in my arm as the needle went in.

"She's losing too much bleed, we need to hurry up and get her there. Let's move this tin bucket!" the voice said again.

"We can't wait any longer for the morphine to kick in, this is going to hurt some, and he started off saying, "What's her name?"

"It's Mindy!" I could her Ollie said sadly, as he know that I was going die, but he just grabbed my hand and he looked deeply into my eyes. I could see the pain he was feeling for me the heart ache he was going through as I laid here dying.

But I couldn't let myself die, I had to live not for myself but for him. I had to live for him because at this moment I know that I was in love with him, I know that I would have to fight just to stay with him. I wanted too....

"Alright, we need to be ready to start the bleeding once the piece of glass is taken out," he said.

"Wait the drugs haven't yet kicked in, she will feel it all."

I felt Ollie's hand tightly around mines, I look up once again at him and I know that he was strong for the both of us.

"Alright Mindy, you're going to have to be strong, alright?" the man's voice said to me, I nodded just a little and forced on Ollie's face, his handsome face.

Then he touched the piece of glass, which a pain of shock rain through me, it was so unbearable that it feel like I was being torn apart and I could feel the tears now running down my cheek. I squeezed Ollie's hand a little tighter right when they pull the glass completely out of me.

"We need to control this bleeding," the voice yelled out, "It busted any artery." I could feel his hand reaching in and pinching the artery together so that the bleeding would stop.

"Just hold on Mindy, we're almost there," the second voice said to me.

The ambulance come to a hard stop, I could hear them swing the doors open and feeling he gust of wind hit my face, Ollie was right there besides me never letting go of my hand, I turned my head and looked up at the night sky. It seemed to be the most beautiful that I've ever seen it before in my life.

They moved fast pulling me into the hospital, they ran fast cause the lights on the ceiling seemed to flash before me. Ollie's expression changed he looked more worry then before, was I truly dying and he know it.

"Excuse me, Sir, you're not allowed in this area?" the nurse said to him.

"What, no I'm not leaving her," he told her in this sad voice.

"Sir please, you will need to wait outside in the waiting room, I promise you she's in good hands here," the nurse told him. And that's when he let me go.

"I'll be right here waiting for you to return to me, Mindy!" was the last thing I heard him say.

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