Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Aria’s POV

“Hello my baby!”  Maura greeted Niall with a tight hug.  I smiled at the sight of how happy she was to see him and Niall looked happy too.

“Great to see ya, mum.”  Niall kept her in a hug for few moments before lightly pulling away.

“And hello boys.”  Maura smiled at each of the other boys before landing her eyes on me.  “And you must be Aria.”

She embraced me in a soft hug.  At first I wasn’t sure if I should hug back or not, then I quickly decided that I probably should. 

She pulled away and rested her hands on my arms before turning to the boys.  “Come on in everyone!  I made cookies!”

“Yes!”  Harry whispered, making an arm pump gesture.

I took a deep breath as Niall intertwined his fingers with mine and we followed the other boys into the house.

“Niall!  Little Brother!  How ya doin’?!”  Greg appeared and gave Niall a big welcoming hug.  He gave the other boys hugs as well and then stopped at me.

“And you must be the lucky girl!  Do ya like hugs?” 

I grinned shyly and nodded.  I think I liked this family already.

Greg gave me a hug which nearly choked me due to how small I was compared to him.

“Greg, Greg.  Don’t kill her!”  Niall’s tone was half concerned, half joking.

Greg chuckled as he released his grip.  Another man came up behind Greg and shook Niall’s hand and gave him one of those one-arm hugs that guys usually give to other guys.  He came over to me and offered his hand for me to shake.

“Hi, I’m Chris, Maura’s husband and Niall’s stepfather.”  He smiled.

“I’m Aria.”  I smiled back and lightly shook his hand, trying to hide my nervousness.  Niall had mentioned his stepfather but he didn’t say too much about him, he was fine with him and had a good relationship with him but he wasn’t as close to him as he is with his mom and dad.

We entered the kitchen and made our way to the big table where the other boys were already seated and munching away on cookies.  Niall brought out the chair beside Liam and motioned for me to sit, he took the chair beside me, linking my hand with his under the table.

Maura took the seat on Niall’s other side, and Chris and Greg sat down in the two remaining chairs.

“So Niall, I didn’t think you would ever be the type to wear cologne.”  Said Maura.

Niall’s band mates glanced at us both knowingly.

“Oh yeah I was just trying it out mum.”  Niall replied calmly.

“Well most girls like boys who wear cologne.”  She sent a smile in my direction.

“Aria definitely likes it.”  Louis hinted just before Liam elbowed him in the sides making him grunt in pain.

Part of me felt he deserved that and lucky for us, Maura didn’t seem to catch on to anything.

“I also heard that you’ve had a few trips to the hospital.”  Maura’s tone became more serious.

“Don’t worry mum.  I’m fine, we’re all fine.”  Niall remained calm.

“What happened?”  Maura pressed for answers. 

I gulped and glanced at Niall.  I was grateful she wasn’t asking me what had happened, what would she say when Niall told her what I had gotten him into?

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