Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Aria’s POV

Niall and I had went back to his hotel room to watch movies and to get some food into me.  He had ordered the biggest pizza from room service and I was able to eat four slices while he managed to eat seven!  Then we got settled on the couch and he picked out a horror movie to watch.  I’m such a scaredy-cat when it comes to horror movies, but Niall reassured me that if I got scared he’d protect me.  He was so sweet.  However he wouldn’t be able to save me from the nightmares I’d probably have tonight…oh well.

We were only a half hour into the movie, “Creature of Doom” and the scary parts had already started.  I covered my face with my hands but left an opening between my fingers so I could still see what was happening.

“Don’t go into the closet…Don’t go in the closet.”  I murmured to the girl in the movie as if she could hear me.  I screamed and covered my eyes as the girl opened the closet where the creature jumped out at her.  I didn’t feel Niall move at all so I looked over to see if he was okay and he remained sitting on the couch smirking at me.

“Come here.”  He said with a chuckle as he pulled me towards him and held me in his arms.

“You don’t scare easily do you?”  I looked up at him.

“Nah, it takes a lot to scare the Niallator!”  He laughed.

Just then a figure popped up from behind the couch letting out a roar.  I felt Niall’s grip instantly tighten on me as he screamed, my reaction was the same.  We stopped when we finally saw who the figure was.


Louis threw his head back as he laughed.  “Hey now, I thought it took a LOT to scare the ‘Niallator’?”  He air quoted “Niallator”.

“I wasn’t scared.  I was startled.”  Niall corrected.  “And nevermind me, you could have given Aria a heart attack!”

“Oh no, I’m fine!  My heart’s still pounding like crazy but it was just a harmless scare.”  I said.  Besides, in a way, it was quite funny.

“Well Aria, I am sorry if I scared you too much, I did mean to scare you both but my main target was Niall.”  Louis grinned at him.

Niall glared at him and gave him a light shove.  “Where’s Eleanor anyway?”

“In her hotel room, I’m going there in a minute I just came here to get some pajamas.  And it was easy to quietly sneak in here to scare you guys so I jumped at the opportunity!”  Louis laughed again.

Niall rolled his eyes.  “Do you know if the other lads are coming back?”

“Uhh, Liam’s staying with Danielle tonight.  Harry and Zayn should be back anytime.”  Louis answered as he headed to his room.  He was back in seconds with his pajamas.  “Well see you two tomorrow morning.”  He paused.  “As long as no monsters attack you tonight.”  He grinned and waved before leaving us alone again.

I knew he was joking but I still gulped after what he said. 

“So, let’s watch the rest of this movie!”  Niall flopped back onto the couch.

“O-okay.”  I said, trying to sound enthusiastic.  I sat next to him and he instantly pulled me into a cuddle.

“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from any monsters!....Louis’ surprise attacks though are another story.” 

I laughed and Niall smiled at me.  He gave me a sense of security I haven’t felt in forever, even my parents couldn’t make me feel this safe.  I remember a saying that said something good would always come out of something bad and after the death of my parents I certainly wouldn’t have thought any good could possibly come out of that, but maybe this was it?  Niall certainly was special and it wasn’t that he was famous it was his kind, gentle, humble soul.

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