Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Aria’s POV

“Have a fun trip, Mum.”  Niall stood in the doorway as he hugged Maura goodbye.

I could see that she was holding back tears as she reluctantly pulled away from him.  “Stay safe, Niall.”

She turned to me.  “And Aria, it was nice to sit down and have an actual dinner with you and my son.”

I gave her an apologetic smile.  “Yeah I’m sorry again about yesterday.”

“No worries, hun.”  She took one of my hands in hers and one of Niall’s in her other hand.  “You have yourself a lovely girl here, Niall.”

Niall smiled.

Maura gave me a hug and then gave Niall another hug before he laced his fingers through mine and we walked back to his black Range Rover.

“Let’s have a date night.”  Niall said once we got in the car.

“Oh...okay.  What did you have in mind?”

“Movie at the drive-in?”


Niall started up the car and drove off.


We both agreed to go for comedy this time so Niall would hopefully stay awake through the movie, but I liked comedy too so I didn’t mind at all.  The movie we had decided on was Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, surprisingly Niall shared my love for Jim Carrey movies.

Niall seemed more into the movie than I was though.  I was lost in my thoughts, not very innocent thoughts either.  We hadn’t gone very far in the intimacy department but Niall had made me happy in quite a few ways, what have I done for him?  Nothing.  Boy, I’m a sucky girlfriend.

“Hey, do you mind if I go get popcorn?”

I blinked at Niall.  “Didn’t you just have a hot dog a little while ago?”

He rolled his eyes.  “Yeah but that was an hour ago.”

I let out a breathy chuckle.  “Okay, I’ll wait here for you.”

He reached over to give me a soft peck on my lips before taking off.

I sat in silence for a few minutes before deciding to climb into the backseat.  I was going to give Niall pleasure for once.  I felt my palms get a little sweaty as I waited for Niall to return.  I had never done these sorts of things with a guy, Julius did things for me but I wasn’t comfortable enough to do things for him, he didn’t give me the motivation or the feelings like Niall did.

My head shot up at the sound of the car door to the driver’s side opening.

“Aria?”  Niall’s head poked in.

“I’m back here.”  I said nervously.

He laughed.  “What are you doing back there?”

“Come here and find out.”  I smiled as I bit my lip.

He licked his lips and grinned as he closed his door and opened the door to the backseat, climbing in and positioning himself in front of me.  He set his popcorn down which looked like he had already eaten more than half of it.

“So what are we doing back here?”  He pursed his lips as he smiled.

I licked the side of my lip, grinning.  I reached out, gripping the back of his neck and gently bringing him forward so I could kiss him.

I moved my hand away from his neck, keeping my lips pressed to his as I repeatedly kissed him.  Niall kissed back approvingly.  My hands wandered down to the belt of his jeans slowly unbuckling it.  I slid one hand back behind his neck and slid my other hand inside of his boxers.

Niall let out a moan between kisses as I stroked his member.  I lightly squeezed making his moans grow deeper and raspier.  His hands went to my hips for support as his head rolled back and rested on the car window.  At this moment I was quite thankful the windows were tinted.

I continued to softly stroke his member as I watched him in awe.  His eyes were closed as he let out breathy gasps.  My body was filled with a tingling sensation as I admired Niall in his vulnerable state.

I squeezed again, Niall’s back arched as he let out a throaty moan.


My eyes widened slightly.  Hearing Niall moan my name sent jabs to my heart.  I let my desires take over and fisted his shirt, pulling him close to me again.  I began to leave soft, fluttery kisses on his neck while still keeping one hand down his pants.

“Aria…baby…”  Niall moaned breathlessly.

He wrapped his arms around me tightly and rested his head on my shoulder.  It was as if he was leaning all his weight on me.  I quickened my movements as I felt him becoming hard.

“Oh God.”  He breathed.  He pulled away from me and took my hand out from his pants.

I frowned at him.  “Did I do it wrong?  Did I hurt you?”

He smiled almost tiredly.  “Not at all, that was amazing.”

I tilted my head at him.

“I just don’t want to ‘you know’, when I have to drive us back to the hotel.”  He laughed.

My eyebrows went up.  “I…I almost made you…”

“Yes.”  He laughed again.  “What was that anyway?”

I looked away as I blushed.  “I just wanted to do something for you for once.  I wanted to make you feel good.”

Niall’s eyes glistened as he smiled.  He leaned forward, placing a hand behind my neck as he kissed me softly.  “You’re sexy when you’re dominating.”

I bit my lip.  “So it was okay?”

“It was wonderful, I didn’t want to stop you but I really don’t want to walk back into the hotel with wet pants.  If the boys saw that they’d never let me forget about it.”  He chuckled.

I nodded in understanding.

Niall did his belt back up before opened the car door and hopped out.  He turned around and held a hand out for me and helped me down.  We got back into our seats at the front and looked out to see that the movie was over.

“Sorry I made you miss the rest of the movie.”  I bared my teeth apologetically.

“I’m not sorry.”  He smirked.

He started up the car and began to drive away.

Save You Tonight - A Niall Horan (One Direction) Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now