Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Aria’s POV

“Aria?  Aria?”

“Niall?”  I called out, searching frantically for the face to match that thick Irish accent I loved.

All I could see was white.  I didn’t know where I was.  I was scared, all I wanted was to see him.  He called me, I heard him.  I wasn’t hallucinating, I refused to believe that this wasn’t real.

“Aria?”  The voice called to me again, it sounded closer.

“Niall!”  I yelled, feeling tears in my eyes.

Suddenly there he was.  He appeared out of nowhere and rushed up to me, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

“Niall…you’re here…you remember me?”  My voice was shaky as I held him as tight as I could.  I missed him and everything about him so much.

“Niall, why aren’t you saying anything?”  I sobbed.

He pulled away from me and looked at me with a blank, almost sad expression.

“Niall?”  I stared at him, my eyes pleading for a response.

He started to drift away from me, further and further.  I couldn’t move to chase after him, I was frozen in place.  I watched as he continued to drift away, fading into the whiteness.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I watched him disappear.  “Niall!  Come back!  Don’t leave me!  I need you!”

I gasped as I felt a jolt, like I had just been thrown back into my body.  I breathed heavily as the grogginess in my head slowly dissipated.  My vision cleared as I looked around.  Julius was standing almost directly in front of me.

He let out a frustrated sigh.  “It’s about time you woke up.”

I glared at him.  “You’re the one who knocked me out with a needle and you’re complaining to me?”

His nostrils flared as he stayed silent.

My attention was suddenly drawn to my arms which were pulled up on either side of my head.  My wrists were bound above my head; the ropes were linked onto something attached to the ceiling, leaving me to dangle.  I looked down to see that Julius had bound my ankles as well, I could barely move at all.

“H-How did you get out?”  I questioned.

“Of jail?”  Julius grinned.  “Some blonde chick showed up, offered to pay my bail if I did her a favour.”

A knot formed in my throat.  “Olivia.”

His grin grew wider.  “Yeah, I think that was her name.  Anyway, she wanted me to get rid of you, she didn’t care how I did it, just as long as you were kept away from that blonde gay boy you were with last time I saw you.  Well I think she did mention she wouldn’t mind if I killed you…but I haven’t quite decided what I’m going to do with you yet.”

Harry, I suddenly remembered.  Harry was with me when Julius showed up.

“Harry…what did you do with Harry?!”  I barked at him.

Julius smirked and shifted to the side to reveal an unconscious Harry in the corner.  It looked like his hands were tied behind his back; his ankles were tied with thick strips of duct tape, and there were a few thick strips of duct tape also wrapped around his waist.  He lay against the wall, the bleeding wound on the side of his head clearly visible.

Save You Tonight - A Niall Horan (One Direction) Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now