Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Harry’s POV  

I looked over to see where Niall and Aria were and found Aria sitting on the couch by herself.  I watched her stand up, nearly falling over as she did.  She regained her balance and took one step before suddenly dropping to the floor.


I hurried through the crowd of people, hearing Louis following behind me wondering what was going on.

“Oh God, what happened?”  Louis asked.

I knelt down beside her.  “I don’t know I saw her get up and then she just collapsed.”

“Where’s Niall?”  Louis looked around.

“I don’t know!”  I said frantically.  “Go find him, Louis.  Now!”

He nodded and rushed off.

“Aria.  Aria, wake up.”  I held her wrist, lightly shaking her.  No response.  I put my hand against her forehead, she was very warm.

“What happened?!”  Niall’s panicked voice sounded.

Before I could respond, he and Louis were knelt down beside Aria in an instant.

“You tell me.”  I said, trying to keep calm for Niall, his eyes were wide with worry.

“I don’t know what happened!  She was fine when I left, well she seemed alright other than acting strange, she didn’t seem sick, she was just being weird I don’t know what I was thinking I didn’t think this would happen.”  He rambled.

“Niall calm down.  We need to get her out of here and take her to a hospital or something, right now.”  I advised.

“If we take her to a hospital, we risk getting spotted by fans.”  Louis commented.

“We can have the hotel doctor take a look at her, but we don’t know how serious this is.  We could be risking Aria’s life.”  I exchanged worried glances with Louis and Niall as we pondered the situation.

“Let’s quickly take her to the hotel and if the doctor there says she needs to go to a hospital, we’ll rush her there.”  Louis finally spoke.

“Do you think she’ll be able to hold out that long if-”

“Don’t worry Niall.  She’s a strong girl.”  Louis gave him a reassuring smile.  “Now, come on we need to hurry.”

“I’ve got her.”  Niall slid a hand under Aria’s back and legs, carefully lifting her limp body into his arms.  Her head rested on his shoulder as he held her close to him.

“I’ll get a cab.”  Said Louis.

“I’ll see if I can call the hotel doctor so he can be ready for us when we get there.”  I pulled out my cellphone and dialed the hotel.


Aria’s POV

I felt like I was just coming out of a deep sleep.  Voices around me were starting to register.  I kept my eyes closed, waiting for the nauseous spinning feeling in my head to go away.

Numerous male voices seemed to pound into my ears.

I groaned causing the voices to go silent.

“Aria?”  The soft, Irish voice called out.  “Aria, open your eyes.”

I squeezed my eyes shut before slowly opening them.  Niall came into view, he was on the edge of the couch at my feet.  We were back at the hotel?

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