Part 2 (reaction)

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TW, cursing

I got in my car still shaking from the call I just got a few minutes ago but I needed to drive or I was gonna be late. I connected my phone with aux to my car so that I could play music along the way, I put on a random playlist and then F/S (favourite song) started to play so I turned the volume to max and started to scream at the top of my lungs singing. Before I knew it I had arrived at Romans hotel so decided to text him.

Yo Bitch boy, I just got here

                                           ✨Scary buff Girly pop✨
Wow hi too you to best friend thanks for being so kind

Ofc anytime, now are you coming or what?

                                           ✨Scary buff Girly pop✨
Just come up to my room pleaseeee I need your help picking out my gear

Okay I'll be up in a sec you're in room 246 right

                                           ✨Scary buff Girly pop✨
Yep I'm waiting 🙄

I walked into the elevator and clicked the floor that Roman was on and when I got to his room I knocked and heard him yell "it's open." So I opened the door and saw a very confused looking Roman. "Okay so should I do purple and black for my gear or red and black?" I laughed "Definitely purple and black you look good in those colours and plus you don't wear them enough but I think they help bring out your eyes." He looked up at me after staring at the clothes for who knows how long and said "see this is why you're my best friend no one else would help me with this." I nodded agreeing with him. "Okay so are we ready to go?" I asked stepping closer to the door. "Almost I just have to put the purple gear in my bag." Then I remembered the new that I got earlier and decided that I should wait til we get into the lobby of the hotel to tell him. As we walked out of the room and into the elevator we ran into one of Romans fans and she asked for a picture and he Ofc said yes and I helped take the picture.

Roman starts asking me random questions "I like your outfit by the way it's cute." I smile as he compliments me " woah woah woah is Mr. Roman Reigns flirting with little old me." I gasp and he laughs "I hate you so much." We both keep laughing "oh come on you know you love me." I hit his arm then the elevator lands on the lobby floor and we get out. We wait in line for Roman to check out of the hotel, after he was down I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around "what do you want now?" He said while smiling "so I got a call earlier." He looked confused "okayyy what type of call and from who?" I laughed at how clueless he was "I got a call from an unknown number so I answered it and it was hunter." His face went from confusion to shock "wait really what did he say?" I smile "he said that he has been really impressed by me so far and wants me to join raw and my debut would be next Monday." I wait for Roman to say something but instead he picks me up and starts swinging me in the air while I scream but he doesn't care and he says "oh my god we're gonna work together. Omg you're gonna be on raw, wait do you think hunter will let us do a storyline together. I'm so happy right now y/n ahhh!" He screamed and I was just happy that he was happy I hugged him and he hugged me all while he was still holding me in the air. "Okay now as fun as this has been we should go so that you're not late." I say and he nods.

We finally arrive at the arena and the entire car ride was just Roman he sounded so excited that we would be working together it was amazing. As we walked around the arena we still had two hours until Romans match and we ended up running into hunter. "Y/n there you are I was hoping you would be here." Hunter said. "Hi yeah what's up are you okay?" He laughed and Roman just stood beside me looking confused. "Okay so I was thinking and I know we said that you would first show up on raw next Monday but I had an idea, you would be sitting front row tonight during Romans match then at the end Roman does a promo where he brings you into the ring and introduces the wwe universe to you but I was wondering if you guys would be okay with flirting to play it off in front of the fans?" I was shocked was I really going to flirt with my best friend in front of millions of people. "Yeah that would be no problem." Roman said before I could even respond then hunter just nodded and walked away. "What the Fuck Roman why didn't you let me answer now we have to flirt in front of everyone." He looked at me and said "listen y/n I know it's weird but it could be a great story to help start your career and it could help boost mine I promise I won't let anyone else think that we're dating. think of it as us just pretending and joking around okay?" What he was saying actually made sense to me and I eventually agreed then I walked into the woman's locker room to get ready.

Roman POV

I walked into the locker room and ran into Jimmy and Jey, "yo Roman can I talk to you." I heard jimmy say, "yeah what's up uce." He pulled out his phone and showed me a picture, it was a picture of me and Y/n but it wasn't just a normal picture it was when she told me about her joining raw and when I was spinning her in the air and the worst part is the picture was attached to a news headline that read "Roman Reigns was caught sneaking out of his hotel room with a girl could this be his new boo?" I looked up at Jimmy and he said "what's up with this bro I thought we told each other everything what happened to that and who is she?" I could tell that Jimmy was hurt and I didn't like seeing that so I said "no it's not what it looks like guys I promise, that's my best friend Y/n the only reason it looks like we're together and the only reason I was holding her was because she had just told me that she was joining raw so I was excited. Damn I can't believe someone got a picture of us and there's already a news story out there."  I said while looking back at the phone. Then Jey spoke up " wait that's the Y/n that you always talk about wow I never thought she was so." He then cut himself off and I laughed we then went on to talk more about
Y/n and the match that I have later against Kofi.


I've been talking to Naomi and Rhea Ripley for around 30 minutes now I didn't realize time went by so fast. I've been friends with them since I started nxt and we started training together, they were super excited about me joining raw "hey I have an idea how about tonight after raw we go to my house and celebrate you joining raw." Naomi said with a huge smile on her face I then agreed and so did Rhea. I thought it would be fun because I've never met Naomi's husband Jimmy, I mean I've seen him a few times hanging out with Roman but I've never actually talked to him. I had a feeling that tonight was gonna be interesting.

(A/N thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed this chapter, the next chapter will be
Y/n's first appearance on raw and the after party. I hope you are having a great day/morning/night wherever you are, Remember to eat, drink and sleep.)

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