Chapter 23 (True Love)

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The past two weeks have been incredible, I've spent every moment with Jey, Jimmy, Trin and Roman. Jimmy and Jey left to do a live show in Texas so I invited Roman over to my house for the night. Living with Jey has also been amazing, he moved in the just over a week ago and it was a lot easier than I would have thought. I feel really sick but I'm trying to act normal so that I don't freak out Roman. He should be arriving any minute now but I don't have anything planned so I guess it'll be a surprise to both of us.

Roman arrived and we started watching a movie, he chose a horror movie because he loves them. "So how are things going with Jey?" He sat down next to me holding a giant bowl of popcorn, "it's really great. I mean he's amazing and I really love him." He made a fake gaging noise then laughed, "It's weird because I've never seen you or him act like this before but I'm happy for both of you." I smiled and hit play on the movie and we tried to relax. But something was wrong but I don't know what, my stomach is killing me and so is my head. It feels like my head is going to explode but it's not a headache. "I'm gonna go grab a water from the kitchen I'll be right back." I pushed the blanket off of me and stood up, then before I knew what was happening my legs couldn't stand and the room started spinning, I passed out.

Roman pov

I got up as quickly as I could and caught y/n, she looked extremely pale so I paused the movie and brought her into my car. The drive to the hospital was only a few minutes but it felt like forever, I swear this girl is in the hospital every other day. This time felt different because it's not normal for y/n to just faint like that. I parked as close as I could to the emergency room door and carried her inside. A nurse saw us and brought us to a room right away, I told her what happened and she left to go get a doctor. "Please be okay y/n." I whispered in her ear even though she probably can't hear me anything is worth a try. The doctor came in shortly after and to my surprise it was the same doctor that y/n had after her car accident. The nurse had already filled him in on what had happened and he began examining her. "I'm really sorry sir but unfortunately you will have to go into the waiting room and I'll call you as soon as we know anything." I nodded and left, don't get me wrong I wanted to stay but there is no point in arguing with him.

I texted Rhea and Trin then they both arrived together within minutes or what felt like seconds. "What happened?!" Rhea ran over to me and I explained how she just collapsed and fainted, we all sat next to each other impatiently waiting to hear back anything from anyone. Trin was desperately trying to get ahold of Jimmy and Jey but the live show had started already so there was no point. The doctor came out and started to make his way over to us, "I'm so sorry for the wait but I just have a short question to ask you." Trin and Rhea looked confused but I didn't care what I had to answer as long as she was safe. "Yes of course. Anything." He sat down next to my left side, "we're you aware that ms. Y/l/n (your last name.) is pregnant?" My jaw dropped, "u-m no-no we didn't know that but thank you for the information doctor." He nodded and left once again, I turned to Trin and Rhea they both were speechless. "I'm gonna be an aunt!" Trin screamed and I laughed, "wait," Rhea started "Jey's gonna be a dad and y/n is gonna be a mother." Wow that sounds so weird to me. "Fuck, I never imagined Jey as a dad or y/n as a mom but I think that they can do it." I said looking at Trin who was still speechless and excited at the same time. "Yeah it'll all work out perfectly and plus they'll have a huge support team." We started arguing over who would babysit more out of the three of us.

Y/n pov:

I woke up to a doctor beside me, but it was a doctor that I've seen before. "We have to stop meeting like this y/n." He chuckled and grabbed a clipboard, "how are you feeling?" He handed be a bottle of water from the bedside table and I took a small sip, "my stomach is killing me but I feel better, did you figure out what's wrong with me yet?" He laughed, "nothing is wrong with you but I do actually have some news." I nodded and he took a deep breath. "Are you aware that your pregnant?" He put a hand on my shoulder and my mouth fell open, I knew this would happen sometime but I wasn't expecting it to be this soon. "Wow that's definitely some news and that makes sense why my stomach is hurting now." We wrapped up our conversation and I got changed into my normal clothes. Before I left the bathroom I looked in the mirror and held my stomach, "I can't believe I'm gonna be a mom." I let out a soft sign and went to the waiting room. I saw Trin, Roman and Rhea all arguing over something but I couldn't hear what it was. Roman ran over to me and hugged me, "I guess the doctor told you huh?" They all nodded and said congratulations. "I have an idea." I said, "let's go to the airport and see if we can fly down to Austin Texas." They all gasped but I want to tell Jey now not when he gets back in a week. Roman picked me up and carried me to the car with Rhea and Trin following close behind us. We all got into the car and Roman drove us to the airport, I ran inside and tried to find any flights going into Austin then I finally found one so I looked on my phone and booked the last four seats then headed over to check in. We all ran to the plane after checking in trying not to miss takeoff. The flight was only like two hours but when we arrived I realized that I didn't bring any extra clothes. "If you told me that today I would find out that y/n is pregnant and fly to Texas earlier today I would have called you crazy but here we are." Rhea said in the back seat of the rental car that I payed for, "hey. Never say never!" Roman said and drove us to the arena, "their match is almost on but I don't know how I'm going to get into the building without a backstage pass or a ticket!" We parked and looked around for anyway to get inside that's when I saw a black car pull up, and that car looked really familiar. I looked into the windows and I saw Liv Morgan, she rolled down the window and greeted us then I told her we needed to get into the arena so she let us go in with her. I ran around until I heard Jimmy's voice coming around the corner so I hid behind a bunch of boxes and waited for him to pass. After he walked by I found hunter and pulled him into an empty room. "Y/n? What are you doing here?" I laughed a little, "I have some news." He signalled for me to go on so I did, "I'm pregnant." I blurted it out because I don't know how else I'm supposed to tell him. He congratulated me, "you should probably go on leave now then." I agreed with him. We talked more and I told him that I want to surprise Jey in the crowd if possible and he loved the idea. He gave me a black hoodie and sunglasses so that no one would see me then he got security to escort me to front row. Jey was the main event so I could do whatever since it's a live show.

Roman, Trin and Rhea wished me good luck then I followed security to the front row. I could hear their music hit as I was walking through the arena and I felt butterflies forming in my stomach, I hope he takes the news well. The match started off really well and so far nobody had noticed me because they were all focused on the match. When given the opportunity Jey really knows how to put on a show and he loves performing in front of the fans even without cameras. I'm so in love with Jey and I truly hope that he knows it, every time I look at him I feel like I'm seeing him for the first time all over again and I fall deeper and deeper I'm love with him. At this moment I had forgotten about my brother or about all of the hate that I received for joining the wwe and it was amazing to just see my man in the ring. Jey went in for the pin and made it to three, he and Jimmy retained their tag team championships and I couldn't be prouder of them but especially Jey because I know how much this means to him. The crowd was chanting their names and they were celebrating the victory. I hoped over the barrier and jumped into the ring, the security didn't stop me because they already knew I was there. I ran into the ring and at first no one knew who I was until I took off my hood and everyone cheered, Jimmy and Jey finally turned around the look at me and Jey ran to pick me up instantly. He swung me around in the air then Trin came running down the ramp and hugged Jimmy. "I love you." I whispered into Jey's ear then we all headed back stage. "Why are you guys here?" Jey looked at me while raising one eyebrow, Trin looked at me but before I could speak Rhea and Roman came running around the corner. "You guys were amazing!" Roman congratulated them and Jey tightened his grip around my waist.

I managed to escape everyone else and drag Jey down the hall, I wanted to go somewhere more private to tell him the news. Jey grabbed my hand and took me into his locker room, we walked in and he locked the door behind us. "Hey can I tell you some-" he cut me off before I could finish my sentence he put his finger up to my lips and hushed me. "Shh baby I want to treat you tonight." He picked me up and placed me on top of a crate against the wall of his locker room, he spread my legs just enough so that he could stand in between them. I tried to speak again but as soon as I opened my mouth he kissed me as hard as he could, his lips started making there way down my body and he started smudging the makeup on my collarbone revealing the previous hickeys that he had left on me. "Did I tell you to cover these up?" His tone was cold and harsh so I shook my head, "use your words when I talk to you princess." He was more dominant then usual but I'm not complaining, I know that I need to tell him but that can wait a few minutes. "No." I spoke looking down at the floor, he used his index finger to lift up my chin and my eyes met with his. "I love you so much baby." He said kissing me deeply, I pushed back slightly. "I really need to tell you something Jey." I tried not to sound extremely nervous even though inside I had butterflies like you wouldn't believe. "You can tell me anything baby." I looked up at him and took a deep breath in, "I-I'm pregnant." The words just fell out of my mouth and I felt my heart sink into my chest while I waited for his to say something. I looked back at him and he pressed our lips together, he wrapped his hands around my waist and I wrapped my hands around his neck. He broke this kiss but kept his eyes on me, "I can't believe that I'm gonna be a dad." He looked so happy and he hugged me tightly. "I thought that you would be upset about it." I spoke up and I heard him chuckle. "I could never be upset at you especially about this because I wouldn't want anyone to carry my children other than you." We put our heads together and sat in silence for a moment but it wasn't awkward at all, "I'm so in love with you." I said looking into his eyes, "I love you more." He smiled and I knew that I was ready to start a new chapter of my life with Jey.

(A/N I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, there will be one more and it will take place a few months in the future. I'm sorry it's been taking me awhile to update but I made this chapter extra long to make up for it. I hope that you are having an amazing day/night. Remember to eat, sleep and drink lots of water. Remember that you are loved and have a great day 💕)

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