Chapter 20 (Sickness and Surprises)

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I woke up feeling violently ill, Roman had stepped out to go get a coffee and now I was throwing up in the hotel bathroom while laying on the cold floor holding onto my stomach trying to stop the pain. I heard the hotel room door close I knew that Roman was back but I didn't have the strength to move, "Y/N?!" That wasn't Romans voice, it wasn't deep enough. I gained enough strength to look up and I saw Trin with Roman behind her. "I was gone for like ten minutes what happened?" They both ran over to me and helped lift me, it feels like I'm in a daze or a fever dream. "Hey Roman can you go grab my phone from my car? The keys are on the table."  Trin didn't look away from me no matter what. "Yeah sure I'll be right back!" He grabbed what I assume was the key and jogged out the door. "Where does it hurt?" She used her hand to move my hair behind my ears, "my stomach is killing me, and I never get sick and even when I do I never throw up so I don't know what's happening with my body right now." I was groaning out in pain and I kept holding my stomach. "Babes this doesn't look like a normal sickness. Is there anything that could be causing this? Like did you eat something weird or?" I thought for a secondhand or two then I shook my head and laid back down. Trin left the room briefly and came back holding a blanket, she unfolded it and place it over top of me so that I wouldn't get cold. Then Roman opened the door so Trin took her phone and called somebody all I heard was, "hey yeah sorry but I probably won't be back before dinner so you should just come up here." I assumed it was Jimmy but I could be wrong, I ended up falling asleep outside of the bathroom door.

A few hours later I woke up and Trin was still beside me, but I didn't see Roman so he probably left earlier. I didn't like forcing everyone to work around me. My stomach pain hadn't gotten any better, "hey I've been thinking and is your stomach hurting because you're getting your period?" Trin asked looking down at me but I started to think "actually now that you mention it I think that I was supposed to get my period last week so it must be late. Which is also weird because I don't think that its ever been late before I wonder what's going on?" The room went silent until Roman came in through the door, "wait holy fuck!" I screamed as I thought about what I had just said and while Trin was also shocked Roman jumped and looked extremely confused. "What is all of the screaming about?" I turned to Roman and spoke softly, "okay so my stomach is killing me, in the morning I was throwing up and my period is a week late." Romans mouth dropped and hung open and he dropped to his knees, "wait do you think that your pregnant?" Trin looked at me and I shrugged, "what's the date today?" She looked at her Apple Watch, "its the 20th." I did the math in my head, "shit I guess that its a possibility but theres no way right?" I looked at both of them and they just shrugged, then Trin got up "I'm gonna go get some Jey since he's only a few doors down." She left and I just hugged Roman, no matter what happens with Jey or even my wrestling career I know that I can always count of him.

Jey showed up and he looked normal and not like he was freaking out, "hey guys what's up?" He looked down at me and saw me holding my stomach in pain so he sat next to me, "what's wrong?" Trin obliviously didn't tell him so I just told him the exact same thing that I told Roman and his face went blank. "Wait does that mean that you might be pregnant? And with my child?" I nodded and he just hugged me "okay guys I'm going out with Roman to buy two pregnancy tests." Both Trin and Roman left Jey and I alone, "I'm sorry." I said, "you have nothing to be sorry for so lets not stress." He stood up and stretched then he picked me up and gently placed me on my bed, "this is a lot more comfortable than the floor." He laughed then he went to the bathroom and grabbed me a Tylenol and a bottle of water. I took the pill and just relaxed watching tv waiting for the others to come back. When they finally came back Trin ended up getting two tests and placed them in the bathroom for me. I closed the bathroom door and used the test but as I was waiting for the results I started to think about what life would be like if I did have a kid with Jey and at it wasn't bad at all like I seriously don't know why I was worried. If the test was positive then the child would have an amazing life and if it was negative then I could continue my wrestling career right now so its a win win. I peeked over at the test and it was negative, before telling everyone I took a deep breath because I wasn't mad about it being negative I was kind of happy to be honest. I walked out and told everyone they all took a sigh of relief and we talked about what it would have been like if I was pregnant.

Trin and Roman left to go have dinner with Jimmy, I told Jey to go but he refused because I was sick and he wanted to stay with me. We walked to his room that was down the hall and just laid on his bed. "I can't believe that we were almost parents." I looked at the ceiling and he wrapped his arms around me, "i think that you would make a great mom." He smiled, "i think that you would be a great dad." We sat there then I wondered, did he even want kids? "Hey baby? Do you want to have kids?" I said curiously. "Yeah I definitely do and to be honest I wouldn't have been mad if you were pregnant earlier." I felt the exact same way, "I hope that we have kids and maybe sooner rather than later." He agreed and we kept talking about it, I guess that I'm gonna be a mom soon. "If you want it to be sooner then we should get to work no?" He winked at me and I laughed then eventually agreed. Tomorrow I have to go out with Trin and get a dog for Jey as a gift and I also have another surprise gift for him on our birthday that I hope he likes.

(A/N thanks for reading this chapter please vote for it if you enjoyed. I might only do three or four more chapters maybe five I'm not sure yet. I hope that you are having a wonderful day/night. Remember to eat, sleep and drink lots of water. Also I'm sorry but I didn't have time to proof read so there are probably a lot of mistakes. 💕)

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