Chapter 9 (realization)

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As we walked out to the ramp everyone was cheering and it felt amazing I looked in the crowd and saw that people had signs for me I honestly couldn't have asked for a better fan base. I could tell that people were confused on why I was in a wheelchair but I just ignored it. Jey rolled me down to the ring then the New day came out with there tag team titles and challenged the usos.

*time skip to the end of the match*

Jimmy went on the top rope and landed on Xavier Woods then he went in for the pin, 1....2....3! And the new tag team champions were the usos. Jey went out of the ring and came up to me then he picked me up from the wheelchair and brought me into the ring then he was handed a title. "Look Princess, we did it!" He said while looking at me as I laughed. He put me back in my chair and I started to go backstage because I wanted to let him celebrate with his brother. I got backstage and saw Roman but honestly he was the last person I wanted to see right now. I just went straight passes him but I knew Roman and I knew that he was going to follow me so I tried to find some where to go where he couldn't follow me, that's when I saw Rhea about to enter her dressing room so I just ran in there with her then closed the door. "I'm sorry I know this is really weird but I needed somewhere to hide."

⚠️TW⚠️ panic attack

I fell to the floor and felt my chest closing in, I couldn't breath and the room was getting smaller by the second. My vision started to get blurry and started getting darker. "I-I c-can't-t brea-th." I felt myself gasping for air I didn't know what to do. "Hey y/n look at me. It's gonna be okay I just need you to focus on breathing don't worry about anything else around you, just close your eyes and breath with me. 1,2,3, In and 1,2,3, out." I started listening to Rhea and it was helping a lot. I finally was okay and I was able to look around fine. "I'm so sorry thank you so much Rhea." I grabbed her and hugged her tightly. "What happened y/n?" I knew that my reason was pathetic but there was no point in lying so I just decided to tell the truth. "Earlier Roman started yelling at me and then I went out to watch the match and when I went backstage I saw Roman and he was following me so I just went into the first place I saw. I think I had a panic attack because I was scared of everything and I didn't know what to do." I looked down at the ground in shame I just hoped that she wouldn't laugh at me.

TW over

Jey pov

I finished celebrating with Jimmy but I couldn't help wonder where y/n went. She just disappeared at the end of the match. As I walked backstage I found Roman crying, which wasn't something that I had ever seen before. I walked over to him and sat down "what happened are you okay?" He looked at me with tear filled eyes "I don't know what I'm gonna do Jey like I fucked everything up by getting mad at y/n for nothing and now I'm scared that I lost her. I already tried to talk to her but the second she saw me she ran away." I knew that he really was sorry and I hated seeing him like this. "Okay don't worry I'm sure that she'll be out from wherever she's hiding soon and she'll come talk to you."

Y/N pov

"Oh cmon y/n you need to talk to him again. I know it hurts but it's the only way that you can help both yourself and him. For all you know he got really bad news and needs your help right now." I knew that Rhea was right even if I didn't like it. "Okay fine I'm gonna go talk to him now then." I walked out of the dressing room and saw Roman crying while talking to Jey. I went over and pulled Roman into a hug but this hug was deeper than normal and I could tell that he was really upset. "I'll leave you guys to talk but I'll be here if anyone needs me." Jey said while he walked away. "Y/n I'm so so so sorry, I never should've yelled at you. I don't know what came over me. Can you please forgive me?" I pulled him closer to me. "Roman I'm not mad at you, I understand that your allowed to be upset and I love you Roman." We sat there for a moment and I just realized how lucky I am to have so many people that care about me, I'm done taking my life for granted and I'm gonna start living my life to the fullest. Wait Jey oh my god I've been taking him for granted this whole time. "Okay Roman I have to go but I'll see you at the hotel later." And with that I pushed myself as fast as I could to the parking lot hoping and praying that Jey was still there.

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(A/N I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and thank you so much for reading. The next chapter we will find out if Jey was still in the parking lot. Remember to eat, sleep and drink water. I hope you all have a great day/night<3)

970 words :)

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