Chapter 7 (healing after the accident)

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Y/n pov

I woke up in a room that was so light all I could see was white all around me. I heard a loud beeping noise to my right and it was really annoying. I tried to think was to what had happened and the last thing I could remember was when I was speeding down the highway to get home before Roman then a big truck slammed into my car and hit me then all of my airbags went off. Shit I must be in the hospital oh no no no this can't be happening what about Raw. My eyes finally adjusted to the lights and I could see around me, I saw a lot of machines and when I looked down I saw that my leg was being lifted in the air by another machine.

I looked to my left and saw a clock on the wall and I realized that it was 6am I must have been asleep for a few hours. I heard the door open and when I looked at it I saw a nurse walk in. "Hello." I saw and she jumped back "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." She just laughed "no your all good I'm just gonna go get the doctor so that he can run some tests on you. I tried to nod but my head wouldn't move I could only move my eyes. A few minutes later someone who I could only assume was the doctor had come into my room. "Why hello miss, good morning. I just have to ask you a few questions then we can move on." He seemed really nice so I went along with everything he had asked of me.

After the tests the doctor asked me what I couldn't move on my body so that he could learn more. "Well that I know of I can't move my head or neck and I can't move my legs." He seemed worried and I guess he had a reason to be. "Okay well I'm gonna go and do some research and thinking about what we can do to help you but in the meantime we weren't able to save your phone or wallet from the crash so we couldn't get your name or contact anyone to inform them about your condition and I am incredibly sorry. So I was it's wondering what's your name miss?" I felt my heart drop they never found out my name so Roman doesn't know where I am. "Yes I'm so sorry my name is y/f/n (your full name) and is there anyway that I could borrow a phone around here to call some people?" I couldn't stop thinking about Roman or Jey or even Trinity or Rhea, what the fuck was I gonna do? "Of course Y/n I'll go get you a spare phone right away." I knew I had to call Roman first it wouldn't be fair to him if I didn't. Soon the doctor came back and handed me an iPhone the first thing I did was open up the news app and I saw a news story about me saying that I was dead and another one said that I ran away. I was crying before I knew it, god why was I crying so much these past few days. I left the news app and went onto the calendar I knew that it was probably only Wednesday but it couldn't hurt also I was trying to stall before calling Roman but my jaw fell open and just hung there for a minute. It was Sunday I had been asleep for almost a week. I got up the courage to call Roman, so I started to dial his number. It started to ring, one ring, two rings, three rings, then he picked up but he didn't sound normal in fact I don't think I've ever heard someone sound this broken before.
"H-h-he-l-l-o." He could barely get out one word, did I really make him hurt this badly? "Hello?" I tried to not sound sad. "Y/n wait are you prancing me I swear to god." I heard him cry but I've never seen or heard him actually cry before. "Hey Roman it's me and I miss you so much." I hated the fact that this is how I was telling him about the accident. "Oh my god y/n it really is you, I've been so worried I've barely slept and I've been crying for days and I even canceled my match on Raw. I missed you so fucking much
y/n." I starting sobbing uncontrollably. "Roman I love you so much." "Y/n are you okay? What happened and where are you." I was really scared to tell him but I had to just rip the bandaid off. "Roman I'm in the hospital right now on Tuesday I got into a car accident when I was driving on the highway trying to get home so that I could see you then a truck hit me and I fell into a coma for the last few days and now I can't move my neck, head or legs. I'm really fucking scared Roman please come help me please I need you right now." I heard him get into his car while I was crying into the phone. "It's gonna be okay y/n I promise I'll be there soon you should call everyone else because I know that they're worried about you." I said my goodbyes to Roman and started to pull myself together. I called Jey next. "Hello?" I waited for an answer. "Y/n?" "Yes Jey it's me, where are you?" He sounded happy to hear my voice "I'm at my hotel I've been waiting for you, y/n I thought that I lost you, where are you?" "I'm at the hospital and Roman is on his way but I think that I need you too please." "Of course I'd do anything for you I love you."

I called the Doctor back in the room so that he could take back the phone he gave me. "Thanks again Doc, and is it okay if I have some visitors?" He nodded "of course." I felt a sense of relief and decided to just wait until Roman and Jey show up.

It felt like one minute since I had hung up the phone and Roman ran in the room and hugged me. "Oh my god y/n I've missed you so much I didn't know where you were. I thought you were mad at me for what I did at the party." I laughed "Roman I could never be mad at you and I'm sorry." We talked for ten minutes then the door opened again and this time it was the doctor "I'm sorry but I just thought I would tell you that you are welcome to go home tonight and I know that for your work you do extreme movements but I don't think that you'll be able to do wrestling for two weeks and I'm really sorry but it's what's best for you." Then the doctor left and I went back to talking with Roman, "I can't believe that I just got onto Raw and now I can't wrestle." I was upset because of how hard I worked for this. "Y/n who cares if you can't compete for two weeks all that matters is that you can leave this place and we have to go to Chicago for Raw tomorrow anyway so that we can tell hunter and Stephane about what happened." "Yeah your right." The doctor came in again. "Hey sorry miss y/n but you have another visitor and unfortunately there can only be one visitor at a time so what would you like to do?" Before I could speak up Roman did it for me "I'll leaver I can't hog her all night." I smile as he leaves.

A few minutes later Jey walked in the door, I saw that he was crying "oh my god Y/n I thought something terrible happened too you and it did. I should've been there to help you, I'm such a failure I'm sorry." He grabbed me and started to cry. "Hey look at me Jey, I'm fine I promise and I have an ideaaaaa." I said while biting my lip "uh oh that's never good, what's up?" Hs said holding my hand and bringing it up to his face. "You still have a match tomorrow right?" He nodded "well then how about I walk you to the ring and stay at ringside so that I can be your support?" I fluttered my eyes at him as a joke and he laughed. "I actually love that idea but do you think that you can handle it?" "Have you met me? I just handled being in a car accident and getting cheated on I think I can handle watching you shirtless." We both laugh until the doctor comes back. "Sorry to interrupt but you are officially good to go but you can take your time no rush I just need you to take these pills everyday twice a day. I'll be back in a few minutes with a wheelchair because you probably won't be able to walk for the two weeks and you will have to wear a neck brace but you'll be back to normal in no time." He smiled then left the room. "Jey?" "Yeah?" "Thank you for everything I couldn't have done this without you." The doctor comes back in the room and helps me onto the wheelchair then puts the neck brace on.

Jey wheedled me to the waiting room where we saw Roman waiting "god I hate seeing you like this." Said Roman while switching places with Jey "hey y/n text me when you get home." I laughed at how protective Jey was being "I would but my phone got destroyed." "About that I actually bought you a new one and I was able to find your old SIM card to put in it." Said Roman. I was so happy I wished I could hug him but I couldn't feel my legs let alone stand. Just before I left Jey gave me one of his hoodies since the other one got destroyed. When we got to Romans car he helped me get inside then put my wheelchair in the backseat and we went straight to the airport to catch our flight to Chicago.

(A/N, thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoyed. Have a great day/night. Remember to eat, sleep and drink water. Not proof read so I'm sorry for any mistakes. Remember that you are cared about <3)

1809 words (long chapter)

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