Chapter 4 (caught)

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Roman POV

I woke up on Jimmy and Trin's couch with a really bad hangover, I started to remember what happened last night and I remember getting really drunk along with everyone else when I looked around I saw Rhea passed out on the pool table, Jimmy was asleep with Trin on top of him but I couldn't find Y/n or Jey. I though nothing of it and decided to take Y/n's car to go get everyone breakfast burritos and coffee that is great for hangovers. I found the keys and went on my way.

I started driving back from the restaurant and played music just nodding my head to the beat. When I finally got back to the house I set the keys back where I had found them and put the food on the counter. I decided to wake up Rhea first, I tapped her on the shoulder lightly with a Tylenol and water bottle in my hand. She woke up almost immediately and thanked me for the Tylenol, I said you're welcome and gave her the breakfast I had just bought. "Roman you truly are a life saver." I laughed "now I have to go wake up the love birds over there." I playfully rolled my eyes and got up off the couch and headed toward the two. I grabbed two Tylenol and a bottle of water then tapped then on the shoulder and surprisingly they both got up very energetic. Then the four of us sat on the couch "Hey Roman where's Uce?" Jimmy asked me. "I don't know I haven't seen him yet." I replied honestly. Jimmy just shook his head "wait now that you mention it I haven't seen Y/n yet today either." Said Trin. "Maybe she left because I remember seeing her on the couch last night and she definitely wasn't drunk." Rhea stated with a confused look on her face. "No, her car is still here and so is Jey's." I said growing worried "well how about we give it an hour then if we don't see them we'll all go looking around the house." Jimmy said while turning on the tv, everyone nodded their head and said sure. But I had a weird feeling about this whole situation, but then again it's only 8:00am so we can just wait.

An hour passed by and no one saw or heard anything from Jey or Y/n so now we split up to look around the house. I started to check upstairs while everyone else was in various different rooms around the house and Rhea was looking in the backyard. I was about to open the guest bedroom door until Jimmy yelled for us all to come into the living room.

I made my way down the stairs "Guys look what I just found." I went over to Jimmy and saw that he had found Y/n's phone. "Well now that she has to be somewhere around here because she never leaves anywhere without her phone." I said taking the phone from Jimmy "Okay let's get back to looking." Everyone agreed and off they went. I looked down at Aprils phone and saw that her background was a picture of me and her at a carnival holding a giant piece of cotton candy, I smiled then went back to looking. As I walked back upstairs and this time I was determined to find them. I went straight to the guest bedroom and opened the door, but what I saw made my jaw literally drop I took my phone out and took a picture then went to go get everyone else to show them.

(Pretend that the guy is Jey and the girl is you)

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(Pretend that the guy is Jey and the girl is you)

"Hey guys I found them." They all looked at me confused "wait them? Like they were together?" Rhea asked while looking confused "you tell me." I said and showed them the picture. "No way. what the fuck. How the fuck. When the fuck." Jimmy said sounding almost hurt, "guys it's okay I just found them and they were probably just moving in there sleep. But the real question is who wants to go wake them up?" I said looking around "not it." Said me, Rhea and Jimmy. "Man you guys suck why is it always me." Said Trin as she walked upstairs.

Trinity POV

I walked up the stairs and saw that the door was still open and they hadn't moved At all not even one muscle. I went in and tapped y/n on the shoulder to wake her up "hey good morning." She said rubbing her eyes. "Shh let's go quick but you have a lot of explaining to do missy." She turned around and saw that she was curled up with Jey and her face turned a light shade of pink until she finally got up out of bed and followed me into the hallway.


I woke up to Trin tapping me on the shoulder then I found out I fell asleep with Jey beside me.
I followed her into the hallway "okay y/n what's happening here care to explain?" She said using her mom voice. "Trin I swear it's not what it looks like we just both ended up falling asleep in the same bed by accident I don't even know how we got up here." She nodded believing me. I know it wasn't the truth and I hated lying to Trin but I couldn't tell her about me being cheated on before I even told Roman. We went downstairs and I told everyone else the same story and I thought that they all believed me until Roman spoke up "okay well we should get going y/n because we have something that we need to do. But thanks everyone it was a lot of fun guys." And he pulled me out the door *shit* it was all quiet until we got in the car and he started to drive. "What the Fuck y/n." I was shocked "what do you mean what did I do?" I asked "what were you and Jey really doing don't lie just tell me the truth." His tone was harsh but I needed to tell him anyway. "Okay fine you want the truth then here it is. A month ago when me and y/e/n broke up it's because I walked in on him cheating on me then yesterday He posted on Instagram saying that his gf is two months p-pregnant." I sat there and started to cry again but I needed to continue the story. "Then all of you were busy so I cried on the couch then ran upstairs, and the only reason that Jey was there is because he's the only one that cared enough to check on me and then he wanted to cheer me up by watching tv so we did then I forced him to stay and we fell asleep. Happy now Roman?" I bursted into tears again. "Y/n I'm so sorry I had no idea I should've been there for you and I should have listened when you needed me to." I heard him become more angry as he spoke "wait y/e/n cheated on you! Why didn't you tell me I could've helped you." We sat in silence then went to my house and talked things out there.

(A/N get lovely's I hope you all liked the chapter also I didn't proof read so I'm sorry for any typos. I promise that the next chapter will be better. I hope you all have a great morning/day/evening wherever you are and stay safe. Remember to eat and drink water. Thanks for reading.)

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