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Baby wake up or you will be late for school !!

Dada just 5 minute more please !!

No more 5 minute it's already 7 am you have school from 8 o clock .

?? : Yibo he didn't woke up yet ?

Yi : No mom he isn't waking up but don't warry I will make him ready you just pack his lunch .

Carman Lee : ok

Chenguang : Dada I am already up .

Yi : Ok let's take a shower and get ready for school .

Time skip after breakfast

Yibo I want to talk to you about something important after you came from office ok said carman Lee .

Ok mom said Yibo .

Dad let's go or I will be late .

Yes I am coming .

Phone conversation

Carman Lee phone conversation with zhang jingtong .

I will talk to yibo about this matter and make him agree don't worry just fastly talk to Zhan about this ok .

Don't worry Zhan will agree about this I know him ok bye now .

Phone conversation end

After Yibo came carman Lee and yibo conversation .

Yibo .

Yes mom .

Sit here I want to talk to you about something important .

Ok say what you want to say .

You know that cheng is getting big and his needs are also started to grow .

Yes mom I know but what about this .

So, I want to say that you will not able to handle him alone . ( Cut off by yibo)

No , mom I am not alone you are with me to take care of cheng .

No, Yibo for how long I will be there and he doesn't need me he need another parent for it you are always busy with work and I am also getting old .

What do you want to say mom say it clearly .

I want to say that you should get married.

NO ( Yibo shout ) No Mom I don't want to marry you already know that.

For how long huh for how long will you not marry and make that child and your self suffer huh tell me .( Angry carman Lee said).

Mom I am not suffering and cheng don't need anyone I am sufficient for him so don't worry . About him know I am leaving .

Yibo listen to me .

No , Mom it's enough why you always stuck at that one topic only .

Yibo but ( yibo left )

But unknown to them someone already listen to them .

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