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Author pov

When Zhan enter in the room he saw the same with who he saw su she in the video they both were watching movie in tab and laughing .

Zh : Su she !!

Su : Baby Zhan when did you came ( said while getting up and try to hug xiao zhan who back away ) what happen baby ??

Zh : who is she ??

Su : She is she is my cousin hin she has come to china two days ago so , she come here to visit me . What happen to you .

Zh : Oh ! Nothing it just mom and tell him about all the things happed .

Su : You belive that video I was just giving the tour to her and it's but you !

Zh : It's not like what are you thinking it just !

Su : what ? That you don't believe me enough .

Zh : I am sorry don't be angry on me .

Su ( hug him ) : Don't cry I understand stand your mother don't like that's why it's ok .

Zh : It's nothing like that mom have miss understood you like I did now I to go tell mom it's just miss understanding nothing else . ( Smile)

Su : ok babe ( kiss his forehead) .

After zhan left

It is really easy to make him fool said hin .

Yes it is but the good thing that I saw him in cctv footage coming to my house or else don't what would had happene .

Hin : Leave it babe let's have some fun .


When xiao zhan was coming to su she's house he had seen him in cctv camera and prepare for what coming next and create the hole drama with his girlfriend .

Xiao zhan pov

Mom have mistaken su she now I relief

Jing : Now what is your answer ?? ( Ask xiao zhan when she saw Zhan entering the house ) .

Zh : Mom you just misunderstood me she just his cousin nothing more she had back to china after long time so he was just giving her tour .

Jing : What the hell xiao zhan ? Who give there cousin tour like that being lovey dovey huh!!!!

Zh : Mom it's nothing .

Jing : You are just blind by his lie and fake love . ( Angrily left the place )

Zhan sigh and left to his room.

After one week

Jing : Zhan I have to talk to you . Come here .

Zh : Yes mom .

Jing (sigh ) : I have arrange your marriage with Yibo .

Zh : WHAT ????

Jing : Yes and I will not listen to anything.

Zh( tears eyes) : How can you do this with me mom ??

Jing : I am doing this only for your own good .

Zh ( tears rolling down from eyes): No Mom I will not do this marriage . ( Said while getting up and going towards his room ) .

Jing : Is it your last anwer ?

Zh (Stop in his track without looking back ) : Yes .

Jing : Then listen my answer as well if you not agree for this marriage then forget you have a mother . I will kill my self .

Xiao zhan became shock .

Zh : Mom !!!!

Jing : What's your answer xiao zhan I am asking last time ( said while putting the knife on her wrist ) .

Zh (shock): Mom what are you doing leave that knife please .

Jing : You answer can do anything xiao zhan will you agree for this marriage or not .

Zh( while crying) : why are you doing this mom ??

Jing : Xiao zhan yes or no

Zh(while crying) : YES I will marry who ever you want

Jing : Really ????

Zh( while crying) : Yes . ( Nodded) .

Jing smile and throw the knife smile and hug Zhan .

Jing : I just doing this for your happiness my baby .

Xiao zhan hug back and noodded.

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