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Author pov

It became 2 day when sushe meet Zhan. Zhan didn't tell anyone about him .

Today Zhan was in his office and was talking to Ji li when he heard some noices outside of his cabin.

Zhan - Ji I we will talk later ok

He ended the call and was about to came outside when li bo wen enter inside his office and said.

Li bo - Please don't came outside of the cabin we are making him leave ok.

Zhan - Huh ? Whom are you talking about

Li - That gold digger Ex of yours he had came here and trying to meet you and I had promise Yibo that I will protect you and will take care of you .

Zhan - But gege let me meet him

Li - Are you out of your mind you want to meet that bad person huh how can you when you have a gem like Yibo you still waan meet him and

Before li bo wen could complete his words Zhan cut him off

"Gege I want to meet him because he told him about his past incident "

"And I love Yibo not him. We are jut friends let me meet him maybe he have some important work. "

Zhan said and came out of his cabin

Sushe - Let me meet him one's please he knows me very well.

" Let him"... Before zhan could complete his words sushe hug him and said

" Zhan they weren't letting me meet you tell them that you know me baby"

Zhan forcefully detached himself from sushe and said

" Sushe you are here? "

"Oh yes I have some work with you "

"Ok came to my office than and plz don't call me baby again ok" said Zhan with a cold face

" Oh ! I am sorry it won't happen next time "

" It's ok "

Inside Zhan's cabin

Both zhan and sushe enter inside the cabin Zhan said

"Please sit sushe "

Thank you

"Yeah but what do you want to talk about ?" ask Zhan

Oh I came here to talk about the a project actually me and my one friend who is the owner of Franco lickes rose want to open new branch here in china for trade purpose that's why we want a company to collaborate with us and form a project with which will be benifitial for both of the companies

And while going through the file I suddenly remember about your company and thought why don't we collaborate with your company it will be beneficial for both of.

" But... "Before zhan could complete his words sushe cut him off in between

I know what are you thinking ok you don't need get worried he is a trustable person also I bring the project file his all information and if you want you can do research about him and his company from webo or other people whose contact are given in the file .

Zhan took the file and started checking it before zhan could say something sushe again started speaking

It will also help our friendship to develop and there will be good opportunity for you to expend the business as you know how the competers try to bring the company reputation down even if your company is so good but still people don't believe on it easily that's why it's good opportunity to expend it to foreign country what do you think.

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