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Time skip in car

After the incident happened they were returning to the home . Cheang had already fallen sleep . Yibo was driving the car and Zhan was looking outside .

Yb : Zhan I am sorry

Zh : For what ?

Yb : The way I shout on you and take out my all anger on you .

Zh : It's ok I was my fault if I went on time pick cheang up then this all won't happen .

Yb : No No it's not your fault its noone fault its just I am feeling sorry for shouting at you .

Zh : I said na it's ok and you know what you looking to cute will hugging me and crying . You were looking like a cute baby ( said in teasing way and started to laugh ) .

Yb ( fluster ) : Hey what are you saying I am not cute

Zh : Yes you are 

( Zhan started teasing yibo and laughing while seeing yibo emmbrased face )

Yb : Zhan shut up

Zh : I am not going to shut up what you gonna docutoff by

( Yibo kissed zhan's cheek )

Yibo started driving and zhan was sitll in shock both didn't talk and yibo focus on road and zhan started looking outside of window .

Time skip at home

After getting off from the car cheang went to wash up and yibo and zhan were left in the living room .

Yibo suddenly tightly hug zhan .

Zh : Ahh yibo leave me I am not able to breath .

Yb : No let me stay like this for sometime .  I am sorry for shouting at you . ( Crying )

Zh : It's ok but you should Congress me .

Yb : Why ?

Zh :  Because mom said you didn't show any emotions for so long now you are crying so it is an acchivement for me . Now let me see your crying face ( try to look at yibo's face while laughing )

( Yibo started to hide his face in Zhan's neck ) let me see ( laughing)

Yb :( making the hold tight) Be quite or I will do the same that I did in the car to make you silent .

( Zhan became completely silent )

I know this small chapter I try to update really soon

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