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Author pov

Unknown to them cheng have listen to their conversation .

Yibo went towards chengs room and saw that cheng was not sleeping but was thinking something so he went towards him and sit beside him .

Cheng what are thinking caress his head .

Oh ! Dad when you came ?

When you were busy in thinking ! Tell me what were you thinking ?

Oh ! It's nothing dad .

Oh okay .

Ummmm .... Dad can I ask you something .

Yes anything.

Dad can you bring me a mom.


Yes dad you are always busy in office and I also want a mother like others please dad can you bring me . I promise dad I will never ask anything else just please bring me a mom please dad . Everyone in my class had mom or papa I also want one please dad please me bring one also dad. ( Plead with crying eyes)  .

Ok I will bring you a mom or papa okay but promise you will be a good boy .

( Jump and smile) yes promise dad . Now I will also have a mama or papa. Thanks dada .

Now come and sleep like a good boy .

Yes dad .

After cheang sleep

Yibo pov

I was caressing cheng sleeping face and thinking about what cheng said to me earlier. Is it necessary to bring another parent for cheng ? am I not enough for him ? What should I do? There is only one person who can help me out of this situation I should call him .

On phone conversation

?? : Hello !!  

       Hello brother !

Yibo what happen why did you call me at night is there something bothering you ?

                                 Yes brother I want to ask you something .

What is it yibo ?

    ( Then he tell about the hole matter)

What should I do brother ?
              you should agree for marriage
                  ( Calmly)

But brother ........ ( Cut off by haikuan)

Yes, yibo think about this for how long will you be able to take care of cheng . You will need someone to take care of him when you are not there.
( Beside you also need some to take care of you said in his mind ) .

        Ok brother I will talk to later.

Well wishes

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