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After wedding everyone left for their own house but jington and carman Lee decided that they both will stay together with yibo and zhan to make them together.

At Wang's house

Both zhan and yibo enter inside the house

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Both zhan and yibo enter inside the house .

In the living room

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In the living room

Yb : Mom where is cheang ?

Cr : He had already fallen sleep in his room .

Yb : Ok I am going to see him .

Zh : Aunty where should I sleep?

Cr : Don't call me aunty baby call me mom ok . And you will sleep with Yibo in his room .

Zh : Ok mom but ......

(Jington glare at him )

Cr : what happen baby do you have any problem ?

Jing : No , he don't have any problem ( said while glaring at zhan )

Zh : No mom I don't have any problem but where is the room ?

Cr : Yah Wang Yibo do I have to taught you manners also how take care of your husband . Huh take him with you to your own room .

(Yibo who was returning from cheng's room and was going to his own room listen to his and look at zhan and said )

Yb : Follow me .

( Both left for their room)

Jing : Our plan is working now we have to next part of our plan .

Cr : Yes . ( Both smile and left for their own rooms) .

Time skip with yizan

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