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Jing : Zhan come here I want to talk to you about something important .

Zh : Yes , what do you wanna talk about ?

Jing : About your marriage .

Zh : Mom you know su she is not ready for marriage right now he want some time please try to understand his situation mom !

Jing : I am not talking about su she and your marriage .

Zh : Then whom are you talking about ?

Jing : About your and yibo marriage.

Zh : WHAT ????

Jing : Why are you screaming ?

Zh : MOM !! How can you arrange my marriage with someone else and without me knowing !!

Jing : what how can I arrange your marriage with someone huh !! I am your MOM , I can do whatever is good for you and he is not someone else he is your brother's brother -in- law ok .

Zh : But mom you know I love su she and I can't cheat on him and he is already married and have a son .

Jing : He's husband have been dead for four years know ok and about child you love childrens so much you can accpet him as your own child and give him another parent love .

Zh : It's not about the child . You know that .

Jing : so , where is the problem tell me .

Zh : I love su she and I can't cheat on him .

Jing : But he is already cheating on you .

Zh : What? You are telling a lie to make me agree for the marriage don't you ?

Jing : I know that you won't believe me . That's why I came with proof see what is he doing behind your back .

( It's a video in which su she was hanging out with a girl both were holding hand like couples )

(Seeing this zhan eyes fill with tear)

Jing: Do you believe me know . I take this video while I was shoping in the same mall .

Zh : It can't be true ( said while crying and shaking his head) . I have to talk to him .

( With that he ran out of the house and drive to su she's house)

Xiao zhan pov

Su she you can't cheat on me please .

Author pov

After reaching su she house zhan take out the extra keys that he got while buying the house . Yes, he brought the house for su she as a gift . While interning the he listen some someone laughing sound his heart started to beat faster . When he inter the room he got shocked what he saw infont of

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