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Yibo Pov

Inside yibo's room

When he cride saying all that I was not able hold my self because how can he think such low of himself and let others words to work upon him and let him down that is so bad. But when I kiss him it feel so right now I know what I am feeling for him this is called love. This is how it feel to be in love .

Yibo Went towards a drawer and take out a picture of Cheng's parents and ask them .

Gege this is how you felt when you two in love with each other now I know that I am in love with him I'm going to confess that I won't let him go I can never let him go because I love him yes I love him I love I'm very much you are wish got granted Gege because I fall in love I fall in love with my husband you so happy thanks for everything you did for me . Now I understand when you say that when I will in love I would feel different and I am feeling it thanks once again Gege .

After saying this to the picture yibo keep the picture back in the draw and turn towards his door when he heard the sound of knocking on his door he went to open the door and saw Zhan was standing there .

Zhan Pov

Inside zhan's room

Zhan laid on the bed and was thinking

I never felt like this with sushe the way I felt with yibo it's very different it's very magical I think I have already fall in love with him . And I think there is no going back there is nothing wrong with falling in love with him he is my husband and I just love him but I am not like that how those girls and boys describe me but when yibo support me and say that I am not what they are saying I feel very right with the kiss also felt so good it doesn't feel like anything wrong yes I accept that I am in love with yibo my husband . But what if he didn't felt the same I don't know what to do now .

While thinking this Zhan slide next to his pillow and he saw that he is still wearing yibo's Coat.

I think I should return his coat but how will I face him he sigh

Let's just go and return it.

While saying this he went to yibo's room and knock the door .

Within some seconds yibo open the door for him . He was little shocked to see zhan in front of his door .

I came here to return you this coat.
Zhan said while forwarding his Coat

Yibo became angry that he just came here to return his Coat .

He said - There is no need of it you would have return it tomorrow

I think that you would need it that's why I just came here to return it I don't want you to think like does girls and boys that I am a gold digger but I am not a gold digger

Yibo became more angry by listening this

Yibo pull Zhan from his caller inside the room and close the door and slammed Zhan against the door and look deeply in his eyes with too much anger and said

How many times should I have to tell you that you are not what they said don't let other words harm you down and look down at yourself you are not what they said you are not someone that they will come and tell you anything you have to fight for yourself they are no one to say what you are you are perfect and I know that you are not a gold digger and that's what I really love about you that you are such a pure and kind hearted person because of this reason I fell in love with you yes you heard me right I LOVE YOU WANG XIAO ZHAN I REALLY REALLY LOVE YOU

Zhan became shocked after listening this he wasn't saying anything he was just in shock that Yibo had just confessed his feeling to him .

Dammit why are you not saying anything are you not listening to me

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