16 Claiming him

224 14 1

Author pov

Time skip
Two weeks

In this two weeks everything changed like both Yibo and Zhan feelings had been changed towards each other both knew they have started feeling something for other one but are afraid of losing the other one because of this feeling.

So today was half at cheng's school so yibo was at home to take care of him as his mother and mother in law went for meeting their old friend whose health is very down and she is admitted in the hospital.

Cheng was playing with his toys and yibo was working when suddenly cheng came to him and said

" Dad let's go to Papa's office it's so boring here without papa. "

" You are right cheng let's go we will Surprise your Papa "

" He will be so happy after seeing us right Dad "

" Right son "

Time skip

In Zhan's office

In zhan office someone enter without knocking Zhan said without looking up.

" Don't you know not enter inside someone's cabin without knocking don't you have some mann...." Before zhan could complete his words

Cheng scream and run to hug Zhan

" Papa "

" Oh baby what are you doing here (said while hugging him)

"I came here to meet you"

"Oh but baby with whom you came?"

"Dad "

( That's when Zhan look up to find yibo who was also standing there)

"Humm so I don't have manners" yibo said

"No it's not like that I thought that it's someone from my office. "

" I was joking why are getting this much stress " . Yibo said

Zhan just smile.

Time skip

Ten minutes

Yibo was sitting while Zhan was working and cheng was playing when someone knocked the door

Zhan said" come in " .

A girl enter with a file in her hands her shirt button were open showing her cleavages her skirt was so short with a heavy makeup and bright red lips.

She and started explaining everything to zhan she was leaning to much to zhan and was touching her way to much in bad way.

Yibo was noticing everything and was getting jealous and angry but before he could say something the girl stood up from zhan and zhan said

" Mrs liea you know our office dress code"

"Yes sir "

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