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I have made some changes in ch 9 so please read it

Thank you now you can continue the story .

Author pov

Time skip in evening

Both Yibo and cheang came back home but didn't find any one at home.

Ch : Dad where is grandma and Papa

Yb : I also don't baby . You go and change I will check the house .

Ch : Ok dad .

Yibo check the whole house but didn't find any one after checking balcony , garden and rooms he came to his room and saw a very beautifully site .

Yibo pov

I check the whole house but didn't find anyone where are everybody . But I didn't check my room let me check it for one's

I opened the door and saw that zhan was sleeping there .

He was looking so beautiful there was golden rays were falling on his face through the window

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He was looking so beautiful there was golden rays were falling on his face through the window .

He is sleeping. He do everything is just sleeping . Whenever I see him he's just sleeping Did he take leave from office just to sleep ?

Author pov

Yibo went towards zhan and sat beside him but at a distance and started waking zhan but he was not waking up so he started to shake Zhan

Yb : Zhan wake up . Why are you sleeping at this time ?

Zh ( in sleep) : I am not sleeping .

Yb ( smile) : Not sleeping ? Then what are you doing ?

Zh : Thinking

Yb : Thinking? What are you thinking ?

Zh : How to make you happy

Yb : WHAT ?

Zhan woke up by a sudden jerk while listening to Yibo's shout and seeing yibo too much close to him he jump out of the bed and stand there

Then aks

Zh : what happened why are you shouting in the early morning ?

Yb : Early morning ? It is evening 5pm

Zh : What ? ( Zhan see the time)

Zh : Did I sleep for straight 12 hours?

Yb : What ? Are you sleeping since morning ?

Zh : unfortunately yes .

Yb : Oh okay did you had your breakfast ?

Zh ( emmbrased ) : No

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