Happy birthday to me I guess....

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(Alice's P.O.V.)

I woke up and practically beat my alarm clock. I reach for my phone and saw I got 3 text messages one from Clover, Michael and Luke? I went and unlocked my phone and saw these.

From: Clover*Best Friend*

Hey hope your awake because I have some very important to tell you. Well okay I am just going to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY and since we became friends we have gone through so much. I remember when we first time we talked was when you defended me from those girls who made fun of the way I looked and talked because I had my old accent from when I first moved to Sydney from America. I was the one that was the outsider until you introduced me to Alex and Will. You and I to me are sisters but I know I may not be your best friend but you will always be mine. I love you like my own family.(You know I prefer you over them)

I will always be here if you need me all you need to do is call. Hope you the best birthday and I have a surprise when you get to school. Sorry for texting so early but it has been said so bye.... Love Your lucky Clover

Leave it to Clover to remember my birthday even before I realized. Wait is it my birthday? Holy Crap it is October 3rd I can't believe I am finally 17. I am now officially three years apart from Anthony since his birthday is March 17th. I get up and chose my favorite outfit and do my makeup then rushed downstairs to receive a smile from my mom and a plate of my favorite breakfast. I ate fast and then grabbed my things and headed towards the bus. I went to the back and looked at my phone and saw I never looked at the other messages. So I unlocked it and found these.

From: Michael*8th Period*

Hey Alice I was talking to Clover and she said it was your birthday today and I just wanted to say Happy birthday and I will see you in 8th period.

From: "That player"

Hey Michael said it was your birthday and I just wanted to tell you I hope you have a great day. I know I haven't been the nicest person to you but I just wanted to let you know I am here to talk if you need me. You think I am a total player and I have made you think I am a person I'm not but I can be nice when I want to. Hope you have a great day see you at school.

Wow Luke is being nice? I can't and won't believe him until he proves it that he isn't a player. To be totally honest I don't mind him but I do kind of miss him bullying me because he paid attention to me whenever he ran me into walls and lockers. He hasn't really done anything to me lately and I miss it sometimes. Has he moved on and forgotten about me? Michael said he thinks Luke likes me but that will never happen.

When I get to the school I saw Clover and Ashton holding hands. She is wearing a jersey that is like 3x her size but I know why. I go over and put my phone in my backpack while watching her straighten out the jersey. " So since it's game day you need your girlfriend to wear your jersey Ashton huh? I ask while teasing and watching him look at Clover with a huge smile. "Well not just because it's game day. I wanted her to because it is a tradition since we have to wear it every Friday. She is my girlfriend after all." He says while kissing her cheek and turning cherry red but tried covering it with her black hair. " Oh don't hide your beautiful face you know that either way with or without my jersey you will be my lucky charm. My good luck Clover." He said smiling and giving her a kiss on her forehead. "Also I will be attending the game but what happened to your number 94 jersey? This one says 15." She asked looking curious while watching him look at her mentally saying "Crap I hoped she wouldn't have noticed". He took a breath and spoke "Well you know how you were born on July 15th, 1995? Well I heard you say 15 was your lucky number and I asked Michael to switch since he had that number and he said yes." He said turning a little pink while she gave him a peck on the lips. "That's so sweet that you did it for me." She said smiling then the bell rung and we all went to class.

(Last Period last 5 minutes)

Today I can't complain because it was one of the best birthdays I have ever had. I was actually not bothered by anyone at all and it turns out that Alex is my friend again and her and Will are dating. He asked her out and I was surprised he was the only guy in our little group dating one of my best friends.

When the bell rung I went to my locket to see Luke standing by my locker? What is he doing? I saw him with a note and trying to stuff it in my locker. He saw me then put it back in his back pocket.

"Hey Luke what are you doing?" I asked while he was looking nervous. "Oh hey Alice um nothing just a thing I was going to give you. Oh I almost forgot happy birthday." He said as I looked confused and curious. "Thanks but what were you going to give me? " I ask with a shy smile as he rubbed the back of his neck. "It was really nothing but are you going to my game today because if we win I was going to ask you to the after party." He said looing hopeful but I have no idea what to say. "Oh yeah Michael asked me to go with him but I guess-" I get cut off by him". "Oh so you and Michael are a thing now huh well than never mind than bye." He said rudely than walked of. Well that was kind of a turn on a great birthday. Happy Birthday to me I guess.

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