What the hell?

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~ Friday night~

(Alice's P.O.V.)

Its almost time for the football game so I went and got dressed in a Green Day shirt and  my favorite blue skinny jeans with my blue converse.  I took a final look at my outfit and makeup then grabbed my phone and walked to the game.

I reached the stadium and looked around and found Will talking to the new girl. When I walked over to them I saw that the team were coming out and I saw a colorful haired guy holding a helmet and waving at me. I looked and realized he was wearing Ashton's old jersey. I saw him smiling and running towards the benches and gestured me to follow him. I look one last time and saw Will hugging her? What the hell is she crazy or something and where is Alex? I know Alex is a carefree and trustworthy person when it comes to having a boyfriend. She trusts him enough but she can get jealous. I look back and saw Alex came and started talking to her she was pissed. I could see the steam coming out of her ears as she started screaming and then all of a sudden Clover came in and calmed her down.

I rushed over to Michael and smiled at him watching the fight then glanced at me. "Hey Mikey what's up?" I asked watching him look over at the coach then put his helmet on. " Hey nothing much I guess just about to go and play but if I score a touchdown it's for you." He said then winked at me while running to the field. Wait does he actually like me? I mean yeah we have gotten close but really me? I look and saw Luke was looking a little mad but I chose to ignore it and went to sit with Clover and Alex since the new girl left. I guess she had something to do.

When the game was over everyone saw when Michael scored the last touchdown that he waved at me. I smiled and waved back then went to go down to the field as Clover followed to go and hug Ashton. "See we won I guess you are my lucky charm." Ashton said while kissing Clover on the cheek then she blushed a little. "I guess your my lucky charm but hey are you ready to go to the party since we won." Michael asked as I nodded then we all drove to the after party.

When we got there it was like nothing I have ever seen before everything was so wild. People were dancing on tables and everywhere was just a crowd of people it was like the house was filled. Before I knew it I saw that someone was coming in "The party has arrived!" I knew that voice anywhere it was Luke. When we saw him Michael pulled me away and asked to go outside since it was to loud to talk because of the stupid music. I nodded then he lead me outside.

We went outside and saw that there were some people smoking and kissing. Before we both knew it our hands touched and then we looked at each other. "Uh do you want something to drink?" He asked as I nodded then he told me to stay there and wait. He went in and got the drinks but then I see him talking to Luke and the new girl. I guess I'll just go in since I don't want to be left out here alone. I went to the door and saw that Michael wasn't there anymore so I looked outside and saw he wasn't there either. I looked at the dance floor and couldn't see him. "Hey Alice do you want to dance?" I turn around and saw Calum with his hand out. "Uh sure but have you seen Michael?" I asked as he nodded no and took me to the dance floor.

We danced a couple songs until he went to go and get a drink so I stayed and started dancing by myself. while I was dancing I felt someone grind on me and I saw it was Michael and he looked so wasted. "Hey babe why did you stop?" He said about to tip over. "Your drunk don't even think about doing anything but I have to go home." I said as I was about to find Clover or Calum to take me home. "No your not going anywhere." he said pulling me back and tightening his grip on me. I look over and saw that Calum was there looking at me and then he went off and ran somewhere. Well there goes some type of help everyone else is either high or drunk so they are useless. I look back and saw that Michael was trying to make me dance again.

I look over and before I knew it someone hit Michael in the face and he fell while taking me down with him. I managed to break free of his grip and ran to see that it was Luke? I ran outside and saw that he was following me calling my name. I tried to outrun him but he caught up to me and grabbed my wrist. After that he went and threw me against the wall. I tried screaming but I knew if I did than I would be in more trouble with him that I already am in with him. I look over into his eyes and for once didn't see hate I saw a more caring side to him. I look back and saw that he was looking at me with a sort of sparkle in his eye that I have never seen.

We stood there for a long time until I broke the silence. "Why did you help me I thought you hated me." I said as he kind of got mad about what I said. " Why would I really that's what your asking. Okay you really think I would let you go with Michael wow fine then go and deal with him while he is drunk see what happens but just know this." He leaned in and kissed me. I couldn't believe it but then I started kissing back feeling the sparks and butterflies in my stomach. When he pulled apart he let go of me and looked me into my eyes. "I do like you but hate you, some things about you are annoying and stupid and just plain wrong." He said then left. What the hell?

A/N I am so sorry for not updating I have been going through stuff and my internet got reconnected so now I can write on my laptop since I don't like writing on my phone. It was also the last day of school so now I have time to update. Sorry for the wait and another one is coming soon.

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