Not him

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(Alice's P.O.V.)

After our double date Luke and I went back home. I plopped down onto the guest room bed as Luke came in and layed down next to me. "Today was fun." He said as I felt his arm snake around me. "Yeah it was." I smiled and at that moment I felt fine again. He makes me feel safe not like a player or a person who would want to use me. I have nothing he would want. Which is what makes me wonder why he and I are like this and having him and Liz take me in because of my mom and "dad". 

I let out a sigh and he kissed my cheek. "What's wrong princess?" He asked as I turned to him. "Just thinking I guess." I said as I look into the deep blue eyes that he has. "What about?" He questioned looking like he was trying to see what I am going to say. "Us" I told him and kissed his cheek. "What about us?" He asked as I shrugged. "Just how lucky I am to have you." I said as I got up to change. Slowing down my every breath I get a headache and fall. Luke rushes over and everything goes black.

~Next Morning~

I wake up with texts from Clover and text her back.

C: hey
C: what's up
C: oh you know Luke is at my house right?
A: no I just woke up
C: he said you fainted last night. You okay?
A: yeah just probably low on sugar or something maybe got really tired
C: probably
A: is he with Ashton?
C: yeah they are playing my xbox -_-'
A: why that's our thing?
C: they are boys and thinks its a mans thing but I crushed them in halo
A: damn that's right you always win at halo
C: yeah but I think it got Ashton excited to know I was a gamer
A: get it Clove😉
C: he got mad after when I said he plays like a girl.
A: dude that's funny😂
C: not when he got mad and went home leaving me alone😒
A: true true I'm gonna go over
C: I'll pick you up

~end of convo~

I got ready and went with Clover to her house. When we got there Luke and Ash were on the floor still playing video games. "Should we let them be?" Clover asked as I nod and we go upstairs to her room.

While we go up and into her room I notice Ashton basically moved in. We sit on her bed and she and I talk about our boys. "You miss him? Anthony?" She asks and I nod. "Yeah he was the perfect brother." I said and she hugged me. "My grandpa is not doing well either. They say he only has a few months left." She said crying a little and I hug her tight. "Clove I'm so sorry I know he means a lot to you." I say and she cries harder making me tear up.

A knock on the door caught our attention and I say the person could come in. "Babe can I borrow-Baby what's wrong?" Ashton rushes to be by her side. "Yeah my parents called me today they said my grandpa has a couple of months left." She said clinging onto Ashton. "They also said that when they get back we are moving back to the United States." She said and I was shocked. "It will be in a few months when school ends." She said crying and repeating that she was sorry to Ashton. "I'll leave you guys to talk." I told them and hugged her a last time and went to go downstairs to get Clover a drink to calm her down. 

"Everything okay babe?" Luke asked and paused the game when he saw me going down the stairs. "Clover got really bad news and is moving." I said about to cry. She's the friend that took care of me and was always there. Yeah we had fights before but I always counted on her to make things right. "Aww babe." Luke said getting up and I went into his arms and cried. "I can't let her leave." I said as he tries to calm he down. I eventually calm down and we go to the kitchen and I get a drink for myself and Clover. 

(Clover's P.O.V.)

Ashton hold me and I cry more because I found someone perfect for me and I have to leave him when the year is over. "Baby I'm so sorry." I say and he picks my chin up with his finger. " Babe you can't control this." He said soothing me and rubbing my back. " I don't want to leave here." I say as he kisses my tears away one by one. "I know and I don't want you to leave either but your parents want you with them and you have months to prepare." He said and he kisses me. "I don't want to leave you I know we have been dating a few weeks but you are special and actually treat me right." I say hugging him tighter. "I know baby but is there anything we can do?" He asks and I shrug. "I-I don't know." I say and he grabs his phone and starts texting someone. Text after text came in and he took a deep breath.

 "How about you come live with me after you move?" He asked and I looked at him. "Move in?" I asked and he nodded. "Yeah why not you can come stay with me and you can go visit them and they can visit you here since I know you don't want to leave me or Alice." He said and I thought about it. "But babe what if we aren't together?" I ask and he looks into my eyes. "Clover I promise not to break your heart or leave you." He said and I believe him. "We are a couple weeks going on forever if you will have me." He said and I kissed him. "I'll ask my parents when they get back in a month." I say and he smiles which makes me smile and stop crying.

(Alice's P.O.V.)

I go give her the drink and go back downstairs with Luke and recieve a text from an unknown number. I read it word for word and start shaking. No it can't be. Not him!


Hey guys it's been a long time since I updated this book. I made it for one of my friends then she and I stopped talking so I thought it was no use continuing writing any of my stories because I felt so bad. It has been a year since I updated this book and I am so sorry for that. Problems did not happen because of her but other problems came and I was under a lot of stress. Now I am better and happier and ready to start updating this book again because I want to make her proud. Another update on the way and I won't take forever to post it thank you for those who have read every chapter. Thank you for the votes and comments along with support. 

Until Next update,

Love you guys 

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