The New Girl

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 What is he doing here? I can't believe he has the nerve to show up at my house. Ugh I  can't believe him I just want to punch him in the face. I went off the bus and ran to the front door and quickly opened it and slammed it in his face. I mean what does he expect?

After I put my stuff down Anthony came in and then out of no where Luke comes in and pushed his way to me. I ran up the stairs and went into Anthony's room. " Come out Alice please I just want to talk. Look Michael told me about what I have done to you and I just want to talk to you please." He sounded so nice and concerned with my injuries that he caused. I open the door to see him smile with hope and I couldn't help but smile back. We walked down the stirs and to the living room and we sat next to each other. "Can you please explain what happened before I kick you out of my house?" I say as he took a deep breath. "Well it's because I have anger issues and when you turned down me kissing you I lost it and I just wanted to make your life a living hell. Then Michael brought up how hurt you were during band and football practice. I felt horrible especially when I found out you were crying after I shoved you into a wall. please give me another chance to be friends with you." He said with some feeling in his eyes. My smile faded and I just went into deep thought. Should I believe him? No I can't for all that he has done to me I can't forgive him for that.

"Luke I can't not because of the surprise kiss but because I can't forgive and forget what you have done to me. I'm sorry and also I was crying but all you have done is cause me bruises and being humiliated." I said as he got up and stormed out of the door. Then I got a text from him which made me want to cry.

L: Ugh I can't believe you would say that! There is a reason why I am like this but now since you can't forgive me makes me so angry and now I am going to make your life worst. You are such a baby and I hate that you are so rude. I just wanted to be friends but now that is long gone. I hate you Alice and nothing will change that. Prepare for your life to turn into a life worse than a living hell. I hope your happy because your not going to feel that way when I am through with you.

A: Wow really Luke are you kidding me because you are acting like such a child. Hate is a strong word and I know that if I did trust you I would just get my heart broken and you won't care so why should I bother with players like you. You think your all that and you think girls are just your toys that you can play with their hearts and throw them away. I am tired of all the pain in my life so just leave me alone you already have caused me pain.

L: Forget this now your going to be dead tomorrow. Bring a tissue box for all the crying and makeup to cover up all the new bruises you are going to have. Bye for now

I can't believe he would do this to me. Ugh I hate him and I can't believe he would tell me that. I walked up into Anthony's room and told him and all he did was look like he was shocked. I went downstairs and did my homework then ate and got ready for bed. But before I went to bed I got a text from Michael.

M: Hey sorry about Luke he told me what happened and he is kind of pissed at you.

A: It's okay I just hope he won't do anything tomorrow.

M: It's going to be okay if he does you can always come and cry on my shoulder if you want to because I know how out of line he can be.

A:  Yeah well I have to go to bed night Michael.

M: Night Alice sweet dreams

Oh my god he is really nice and sweet but I can't wait for Friday. I think I am going to ask Anthony to stay at his friends and go to the party. I went to lay  in my bed and drifted to sleep.

(Next Morning)

I woke up to my annoying alarm clock. I hit the dismiss button and then got up. I immediately thought about the new hell Luke is going to put me through today. I want into my closet and pulled out a Nirvana shirt with black skinny jeans and my converse. I went and showered, changed then put on makeup and then went downstairs to find my brother eating cereal. "Hey so are you going to be okay with that jerk today'?" He asked as I nodded while making myself a bowl then ate as quickly as I could. hen we heard the busses we grabbed out stuff and went in. I put on my headphones and listened to all time low and almost drifted off but we ended up at the school before I knew it.

I went and met up with Clover and we walked to our lockers just talking about what happened with Luke and about how she was happy because she became friends with her football player that she is interviewing. She has been talking to him and she found out that he was Luke's friend and she told him not to mess with me. "Who is this guy again?" I asked as I saw her blush. "Number 94 his name is Ashton" She says as red as a rose ( her middle name).  "So you crushing on him yet?" I ask as she nods and then I roll my eyes. I just think about Luke and the fact that I am going to live in complete hell for the rest of the school year.

We get our books and then out of no where I didn't see where I was going and I ran into someone. I get up from the ground and saw I knocked over a girl. "Oh I'm sorry are you alright?" I ask as she got up and I got a close look at her. She was wearing a sleeping with sirens shirt and red skinny jeans.  "Yeah I guess I'm fine. Hi I'm Victoria the new girl." She said as she walked off. Well that was new.

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