Double Date?

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(Luke's P.O.V.)

When Alex calmed down I went over to Alice and sat next to her. "So having fun?" I ask as she laughed. "Yeah but I haven't heard any practicing since we got here." She joked as I got up and grabbed my guitar and a stool. He tuned his guitar them everyone sat down on stools and Ashton sat with his drum set. After they got ready Ashton started playing followed by Luke and he looked at me. He winked at me and started clearing his throat.

"Good afternoon Ashton's Garage very pleased to announce our band we are 5 seconds of summer and this is our song Try Hard and it is for a special girl in the audience cause she did make me have to try hard to win her trust and give me a chance." He said as I blushed.

She's dropping out of school 'cause she don't need the grade,
The colors in her hair don't seem to fade,
I get dressed up when I go out but she gets dressed down
She's 17 I've told her I'm 20
I couldn't take her out 'cause mom's got no money,
It's stuff like this that makes me wish that I could change somehow
Sitting here at home, it's obvious

She's so out of reach, and I'm finding it hard
'Cause she makes me feel, makes me feel,
Like I try, like I try, like I'm trying too hard,
'Cause I'm not being me, and it's getting me down
That she makes me think, makes me think,
That I try, that I try, that I'm trying too hard again
'Cause I'm trying too hard again

She's got a rose tattoo but she keeps it covered,
I play guitar but she's into drummers,
She's seen my face around but she doesn't even know my name
I pierced my lip so she thinks I'm cool,
I ripped my jeans and dropped out of school,
I followed her 'round the town but she thinks that I'm a weirdo now
Sitting here at home, it's obvious

She's so out of reach, and I'm finding it hard
'Cause she makes me feel, makes me feel,
Like I try, like I try, like I'm trying too hard,
'Cause I'm not being me, and it's getting me down
That she makes me think, makes me think,
That I try, that I try, that I'm trying too hard again

But now, who knew?
She's in the crowd of my show
Nothing to lose,
She's standing right in the front row
The perfect view,
She came alone on her own,
And there's something that you should know

You're so out of reach, and I'm finding it hard
'Cause you make me feel, you make me feel,
Yeah she makes me feel, she makes me feel
It's obvious

She's so out of reach, and I'm finding it hard
'Cause she makes me feel, makes me feel,
Like I try, like I try, like I'm trying too hard,
'Cause I'm not being me, and it's getting me down
That she makes me think, makes me think,
That I try, that I try, that I'm trying too hard again
(And again, and again, and again, and again)
'Cause I'm trying too hard again
(And again, and again, and again, and again)
'Cause I'm trying too hard again

(Alice's P.O.V.)

As they ended the song I realized I did have some things in the lyrics and he actually listened to the things I have told him. I have wanted tattoos and I want to dye my hair, I smile and go to him and he stands up and kissed me. " Did you like the song?" He asked as he kissed me again and I nodded. " Yeah but when did I say I was into drummers." I said winking at Ashton as he smiled knowing I was playing with him as I got a very dirty look from a jealous Luke and Clover. "Actually that was meant for Clover." He said looking at her as Ashton kissed her to reassure you that he was all hers. "Okay so you like Clover?" I question playing with him as he looked at me and kissed me. " Nope I am all yours and you are all mine. Got that Ashton." He said as Ashton kept kissing Clover with a thumbs up. He laughed as he kissed me one last time before going to Ashton and whispered something to Ashton. He nodded his head agreeing to something as he came back over to me. "We have to rehearse more do you think you want to go with the girls shopping cause it might take a while?" He stated as I nodded yes and got in the car and we drove to the mall.

We shopped for hours as I picked out a new dress with money I saved. It was a blue dress that had a very simple design and a pair of blue flats to match the dress. I hear my phone ring and I had to put all my bags down and searched my purse. I looked at the caller I.D. and saw it was Luke so I answered it quickly. "Hey babe what are you doing right now?" He asked as I picked up all the bags. "Nothing heading back to Ashton's cause we're done shopping why?" I asked sounding curious. " It's cause Ashton had his date with Clover in an hour so she needs to be back here now." He said as we got in the car. "We're on our way." I said then hung up on him.

We got to Ashton's house and Luke came up to me and grabbed my waist. "Did you have fun?" He asked as I nodded yes and smiled. "Good but what did you buy?" He was curious as I laughed. "Just dress and shoes but that's mostly it." I said as Clover went to Ashton and he whispered something into her ear. " Hey Hemmings it's time." Ashton said as Luke nodded. "So Ashton and I were talking while you guys were shopping." He said as I looked curious. " Wanna go on a double date with Clover and Ashton?" He asked with hope. "Sure." I replied with a smile.

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