I love you Alice.

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( Alice's P.O.V.)

" I don't really know because he looked pretty bad but I think they said he would be fine." I looked in disbelief. I knew if he wasn't  alright I wouldn't be either. He is my best friend that I tell everything to and he would listen. When Chris was here after all the fights I would go into my room and then he would always come in and hug me until I went to sleep, or when I would have panic attacks he was always there to comfort me.  He is the one I go to whenever I have a problem either at school or with our "parents".

Before I knew it the tears started falling but then I felt a hand press softly against my cheek. I look up and saw Luke looking at me in my eyes I couldn't help but feel guilty because of the bruise on his cheek because of stupid Chris hitting him because he tried to save me I look into his eyes as he wipes my tears gently with his thumb. I go and look down at my sleeves and realized there were bruises all over my arms. He put his other hand up and lifted my chin to see his sparkling baby blue eyes again. "Don't ever do anything to harm yourself again." He said as I nod.

I look into his eyes and saw a feeling in his eyes that I have never seen before. It looks sincere and it seems like he really cares. I saw him lean in and I started to do the same. I then saw him close his eyes and I did the same. I was really nervous because at first he hated me then he kissed me and now here we are in my room about to kiss. I felt his hot breath just imagining his lips are inches away from mine. My heart beating loud as I heard it and felt it in my stomach. My pulse quickened as I felt his arms wrap my around my waist as I open my eyes to see him  right in front of me just smiling. I smile back and wrap my arms around his neck. I felt lost in his eyes for a while then I guess he lost in my eyes because we both just looked and smiled. I blink and look down before looking back at him. "What is it?" I ask smiling as he blinked a few times. "Huh oh sorry I just got lost looking in your beautiful eyes." He said winking as I blush. " See your so cute I'm sorry for all those things I did to you." He said as I looked into his eyes to see if he really did care and mean what he was saying. "It's okay." I said as we both looked back into each other's eyes. Then he pulled me closer and leaned in again. I close my eyes and right before our lips touched my phone started ringing.

I mentally face palmed my forehead and reached for my phone. I saw it was my mom and I answered quickly. "Hello." I said and heard sniffling. "Mom what's wrong are you alright?" I said getting worried. "Can you come to the hospital?" My mom said with her voice cracking as if she was crying. "Okay I'm on my way." I said quickly then hanging up. "Can you drive me to the hospital after I get dressed?" I said as he nods and left the room. I get dressed as fast as I could and went downstairs to see Luke on the couch playing on his phone. When he saw me his eyes widened seeing me in my black skinny jeans with my black flats and green day t-shirt. "Wow you look beautiful and got ready really quickly." He said as we went out the door locking it behind me and then got in his car.

He opened and closed the door for me as I sat in the passengers seat before he got in. He started the car and began to drive as I put in my ear buds. The song through the ghost by Shinedown came on and I started singing. But there was one part that made me tear up a bit because it reminded me about who I used to be.

" Did you hide yourself away? I can't see you anymore. Did you eclipse another day? I used to wake up to the color of your soul." I sang out as I saw we were almost to the hospital. I took out my ear buds and looked out the window then glimpsed over at Luke. He was focusing on the road but had a smile on his face. I couldn't help but smile as I look at him. "You seem happy?" I said as he nodded. "Well maybe just a little because I heard your beautiful voice singing with so much passion." He said as I blush but than turn more red with embarrassment because only a few people have heard me sing.

When we reached the hospital he parked his car and I rushed inside. I went through the doors straight to the front desk and asked for Anthony and she told me he was in room 216. Luke and I rushed into the elevator to the 2nd floor and went to the end room before you turn the corner and then there he was. I saw him with tubes inside and a heart monitor beeping his pulse that was slow and seemed relaxed. I saw my mom crying into the shoulder of one of her friend's and when she saw me she raced to me and hugged me tight. "I am so sorry I let this happen." She said sobbing as I began to cry as well. "What did the doctor say?" I said almost cracking my voice as much as she was. "It's really bad he got punched and his rib broke off and punctured his lung the doctor said they don't know what to do so they hope for the best. They tried." She said sobbing as I sob into her shoulder.

All of a sudden I see his eyes flutter open as I race to him with my mom. I saw him smile and it made me cry even more as I knew he would be smiling because no matter what happens I always find him smiling. He reaches for my hand and squeezes it then he goes and grabs my mom's hand on the other side of the bed as I heard him cough. I couldn't hold my tears back and started sobbing even more. I cried into his hand as he lifted my head up and dried my tears away. He smiles at me and I put on a little fake smile because all I wanted to do was cry and I know he couldn't see me cry because of this because he used to tell me about everything happening for a reason and there is always something good after every bad moment in life.  I look into his eyes and saw he was trying his best to stay awake. He was fighting to stay here and it looked like he was losing. He squeezed my hand as I look at him.

"You know I love you both and I don't want you crying if I go because there is always a rainbow after every thunder storm. Don't cry for me because I hate to see you sad and I hate to see tears fall from your beautiful faces. I can barley breath but I know I will look down at you both and smile because I love you both so much. You are my family and that will never change." He said as my heart broke when I thought of him dying. He squeezed my hand as I look back at him.

"I love you Alice." He said then I said "I love you to little bro." he smiled then his hands loosened and he closed his eyes. I saw the heart monitor and all I heard was. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP.

A/N Hey guys I am so sorry for not publishing this sooner I have been really busy and only had Wi-Fi for a while when I was on vacation. I am also sorry for this ending it might be crappy but I don't know your view on my writing. This chapter made me cry and it hurt writing this but it had to be done because I already have the book planned out it is not ending now but I was going to ask when the book ends what would you want to happen. Maybe another book about 5sos or a sequel. Let me know what you guys think and if you have any ideas for any of my books. I am open for ideas and need to know what you would like to read. Please vote and comment if you like this book and thank you for almost 400 reads it is a lot more than I was expecting so thank you.

Love you guys


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