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I thought that the peace and joy I was beginning to feel in Daegu would continue to last, but apparently, I had been very wrong.

When Bitna had rang, I had been making some kimchi jjigae for both Chan and I. My husband hadn't returned yet from work, and when I picked up the phone, I heard my sister's sobs on the other end.

"Nayoung," She whispered, her voice thick with tears.

"Bitna? What's wrong? What's going on?"

"Father's giving me to Minho,"

My heart ran cold as I froze at the statement. I didn't understand. "What do you mean he's giving you to Minho?"

Her voice was shaky as she explained. "Your husband spoke to Father and said that Minho wanted to marry me. And he agreed!"

I swallowed, feeling sick at what I'd just heard. I knew that Minho had an unusually focused interest on Bitna, but I hadn't considered just how interested he actually had been. "But why does he think it's necessary? I'm already here in Daegu, there's no point in you marrying into this family either,"

I turned off the heat on the stove, too anxious to be still and paced the rooftop garden, the wind light and warm as it tickled my skin.

"I don't know! He's probably punishing me. You know how much I get on his nerves, how angry I make him, and he saw how much I despise Minho!" Bitna's sobs continued as I massaged my head.

"Maybe I can convince Chan to cancel the engagement,"

"Don't be dumb, Nayoung, he spoke on behalf of his Consigliere, he accepted the idea of this marriage," She practially spat. "And if Minho specifically asked him for something like that, then there's no way that he wouldn't agree. They're practically brothers,"

I felt betrayed in a way. Chan had hidden my own sister's engagement from me, a bond that she didn't want, and he knew that I wouldn't have her marry Minho, yet he did it anyway. Anger rose within me. "Do you know when they decided to make the decision?"

"Around three weeks ago,"

My hands gripped the railing tightly. It was much after I had met the boys, and much after Chan and I were beginning to enjoy being husband and wife, when I thought I had been falling for him. 

"I can't believe him!" I whispered. "He knows how much I'd do anything for you, how I'd kill for you, and he pulls up with this?"

"Don't do anything that'll get you in trouble," My sister warned, and I refrained a smile. Normally, I was telling her to keep out of mischief. "It's a made deal, and I suppose the only thing we can do now is wait,"

"I want to help,"

"The only thing that's stopping me from running away right this second," She said in a low voice. "Is that I'll get to come and live with you in Daegu,"

My heart sped up. "Don't run away, Bitna, they'll find you, you know they will,"

She didn't exactly respond to my plea. "We'll figure something out,"

I spotted Chan's black car roll into the underground parking and I returned inside. Changbin had left only half an hour ago, so I'd been inside the penthouse alone. "He's back. I'll talk to him,"

I hung up and waited, wringing my hands, fury raging inside of me. I had never wanted to hurt him, even when I'd been so terrified of marrying him because I knew there was no chance that I'd ever win, but the moment the elevator door opened and he stepped into the penthouse, I stormed towards him and hammered my fists against his frame.

Surprise engulfed his features but they disappeared just as quickly as he efficiently gripped my wrists to stop me from hitting him. I hated how much strength he had over me. "Nayoung, what-"

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