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Diavolo's birthday party. Who would want to miss it? It seemed as though every single demon in the Devildom was gathered here. Demons seemed to fill every corner of the room. Demons dancing, demons eating food from the buffet, demons talking and laughing loudly. Everyone was having a great time. But all good things eventually come to an end, and the rooms steadily emptied, until only Diavolo, Solomon, the demon brothers, angels, and you were present.

"Aghh that was tiring." said Belphegor with a yawn, landing heavily on the couch.
"Indeed. But it was fun too!" remarked Diavolo, smiling as he always did. You couldn't help but smile too. It had been a fun evening.
"Would you look at the time. We should get going." Said Lucifer, standing up from the chair he was sitting in.
"Oh dear. It is quite late isn't it?" Said Diavolo, looking at the clock. "Maybe you should stay overnight and go tomorrow." He suggested.
Lucifer looked skeptical, but judging by the demon brothers' and angels' tired expressions, they agreed with that plan.
"Fine, we'll stay here overnight, if it's no trouble." Diavolo beamed at those words. "Of course it's no trouble!" He paused, looking thoughtful. "I know! Why don't we play a game before bed?" He suggested, a mischievous grin playing across his lips.
"Ohhh what are we playing?" Asked Asmo, his curiosity stirred.
Diavolo's grin turned even wider. "Truth or Dare!" He announced. Lucifer groaned, but the rest of the crowd looked either exited or at least interested.
And so the game began.

Levi was dared to do a backflip, Simeon had to reveal one of Michael's secrets, which turned out to be that his favourite sweets were actually store-bought, human world croissants, as opposed to Luke's cooking (Luke later left saying that he "needed to think over some stuff"), and finally, Satan was dared to meow like a cat for everyone's amusement.

Belphegor's turn then came, and Asmo had to repeat himself a few times from how sleepy he was.
"Belphie, Belphie, heeeey!" he said, clicking his fingers in front of his face a few times.
"Huh?" Belphegor jerked awake, looking around in confusion.
"I said," repeated Asmo with annoyance. "That I dare you to play Seven Minutes In Heaven with Y/N!" He said for the third time now.
"Wih hou?" Asked Belphie mid-yawn, still not completely awake.
"With Y/N." Said Asmo flatly, looking like he was about to lose his patience.

Belphie's face flushed a bit pink.
"Well, if I have to." He said, trying to look uninterested, but his eyes were attentive and focused on you. You looked away when you noticed that, blush creeping to your cheeks as well.

"Finally," groaned Asmo. "I never thought I'd get through to you. Now, get in the closet." Asmo then led you and Belphie to the closet, shutting the door and enveloping you in a shadowy blanket of darkness.

You decided to lean against the wall so you wouldn't have to just stand, and Belphie did the same next to you, standing close but not uncomfortably so. A few minutes of silence passed, and you kept shooting Belphie nervous glances. Ever since he had been released from the attic, you had been cautious around him, scared of what else he could possibly do.

In between those glances you noticed that he was slowly inching towards you, his violet eyes never leaving your face.
"Do you need something?" You asked, making him slightly jump on the spot from the sudden noise.
Belphie closed his eyes and took a very long, very deep breath and looked at you again.

"Yes," he answered, moving extremely quickly. And before you could process what was happening, he had already trapped you between him and the wall.
"I was actually waiting for an opportunity like this," he confessed. "I wanted to apologise for everything that happened." You raised an eyebrow, trying to look as nonchalant as possible, although inside you were slowly freaking out.

Your feelings were extremely mixed; on one hand you were scared, on the other flustered, and on the third a feeling that you could only describe as sympathy.
"By violently slamming me into a wall?" You asked sarcastically.

"Partly," he said calmly. His face approached yours slightly, making you flinch away. "Since that day when we met at the attic, I've noticed something about you. We demons are really observant, I'll let you know." Your heartbeat was quickening up. Had he noticed that? Had he really managed to catch wind of your emotions? Perceived your deepest desires?

You decided to stay quiet and see what he would say next. Maybe he was talking about something else. You hoped that he was.

"Whenever I'm near you, I perceive a kind of... sweet scent. Almost like a sort of pheromone." Your breath hitched as Belphegor said that, and he didn't fail to notice it.

"So I am right... you desire me."

The worst part about it was that it was true. And you hated it. You had every reason to hate him, despise him, to push him away. But you didn't. Every time you tried to lock your feelings away, Belphegor would appear and make them come back again, only stronger.
You almost considered giving in this time, this one time.

Squashing down your feelings, you tried to look as puzzled as it was possible in this kind of situation.
"What do you mean?" You asked innocently.

"So you're still trying to deny it..." Belphegor said with a disappointed tone. "Well, then we'll just have to test you, won't we?"

You were about to ask what he meant, but the rest of your words were lost against his mouth.

"Hmph?!" Was the only sound you managed to bring out as Belphegor kissed you.
Your knees immediately felt weak, your head dizzy, and your body so rigid you felt like it might shatter. It didn't help that he was good at it, teasingly licking your lips every so often, and his cold fingers strongly gripping your hands. Your groans of protest that slowly turned into those of pleasure were only leading him on.

He was a true devil, and you didn't manage to resist his charm.

Your body acted before you knew it; your hands coming to weave in his hair, softly pulling it and earning a quiet moan from him, your lips enthusiastically kissing him more roughly at his verbal response. Your thoughts were in a haze, clouded with nothing but desire, and your body moving as though it had a mind of its own.

Yet Belphegor pulled away, a small string of saliva still connecting to your lips, and pinned you back against the wall earning a dissatisfied groan from you.
"See? I was right," he said, softly panting.

His eyes traveled across your body before coming to rest back on your own.
"I wish you weren't," you snapped back defiantly, your eyes starting to sting. "I... I want to hate you. But I can't bring myself to — I love you too much." Tears started steadily falling from your eyes, but you really couldn't care less at that point.

"I know," Belphegor leaned in and carefully kissed a tear off your face. "I used to hate humans, too," he kissed you again, making his way down to your jaw, releasing your previously pinned up arms. "But you captivated me like no one else could."

You sobbed once and wrapped your arms around his waist, burrowing your face in his shoulder.
Some more time passed, with Belphegor softly kissing your neck, his thumb rubbing comforting circles on your back.
"My brothers will soon open the door," he said softly. "Do you really want them to see us like this?"
You gently shook your head. "I don't even care anymore." Belphie nodded in response.

As he predicted, the door soon opened, with light flooding into the closet.
"Aw, how cute-" Started Asmo before he noticed your face, and his expression shifted to immediate concern.
"Belphie! What did you do to them?" He demanded angrily, striding over to you. He tried to detach you from him, but you kept your arms firmly wrapped around Belphegor's waist.

"Asmo, it's alright." You assured him.
"But you're crying-" He protested.
"I said, it's alright." You reassured him more firmly. Asmo pulled his hands away skeptically, still looking unsure.
You hastily wiped your tears on your sleeve and got out of the closet, dragging Belphegor behind by his hand. You flopped onto the couch, glaring at anyone who would worriedly look at you.

Belphie followed suit, sitting a fair distance away from you. But you wouldn't settle for that, not now. Since you were going to play this game, you might as well do it right.
You basically jumped on top of him, getting comfy so that you were laying on his chest. He looked at you with surprise before his expression softened.
Maybe you were the real devil here.

𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯.Where stories live. Discover now