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Diavolo's birthday party. Who would want to miss it? It seemed as though every single demon in the Devildom was gathered here. Demons seemed to fill every corner of the room. Demons dancing, demons eating food from the buffet, demons talking and laughing loudly. Everyone was having a great time. But all good things eventually come to an end, and the rooms steadily emptied, until only Diavolo, Solomon, the demon brothers, angels, and you were present.
"Aghh that was tiring." said Belphegor with a yawn, landing heavily on the couch.
"Indeed. But it was fun, too!" remarked Diavolo, smiling as he always did. You couldn't help but smile too. It had been a fun evening.
"Would you look at the time. We should get going." Said Lucifer, standing up from the chair he was sitting in.
"Oh dear. It is quite late isn't it?" Said Diavolo, looking at the clock. "Maybe you should stay overnight and go tomorrow." He suggested.
Lucifer looked skeptical, but judging by the demon brothers' and angels' tired expressions, they agreed with that plan.
"Fine, we'll stay here overnight, if it's no trouble." Diavolo beamed at those words. "Of course it's no trouble!" He paused, looking thoughtful. "I know! Why don't we play a game before bed?" He suggested, a mischievous grin playing across his lips.
"Ohhh what are we playing?" Asked Asmo, his curiosity stirred.
Diavolo's grin turned even wider. "Truth or Dare!" He announced. Lucifer groaned, but the rest of the crowd looked either exited or at least interested.
And so the game began.

Levi and Mammon were dared to recreate a famous scene from TSL, and Belphegor had to try on a sheep costume.
Before long Diavolo's turn arrived.
"Dare!" He said, a chid-like excitement shining in his eyes. You couldn't help but feel a stab of affection at his goofiness.
"Well then, Lord Diavolo, I dare you to play Seven Minutes in Heaven with Y/N~"
"Wait.. what?!" You exclaimed loudly, your cheeks flooding with heat. The sole thought of being stuck in a small space with Diavolo immediately made your skin burn up from embarrassment. But Diavolo seemed perfectly okay with that plan.
"Alright!" he said cheerfully, disregarding your apparent shyness.
"Okay then, get up and get in the closet~" Asmo motioned to the closet standing in the corner of the room. Diavolo confidently walked and entered the dark space, but you had to be basically dragged in by Asmo. He finally managed to push you in, your back thumping against Diavolo's chest, and when you managed to regain your footing the door was already closed, trapping you in the darkness.
You carefully scurried to the corner of the closet, standing far but not making it obvious that you wanted to avoid him.
"So... how do you play this game?" Diavolo asked innocently.
Diavolo scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "I don't actually know how to play... all I heard is that it was a human world game, so I was intrigued."
"Oh, well, it's pretty straight forward," you started. "Two people get locked in a closet for seven minutes and... They can do whatever they want." More heat crept to your cheeks as you said the last sentence, and thoughts of what you might do here started to creep into your head, too. But you quickly cleared your head of those ideas and concentrated on what was happening now instead, not wanting to give yourself any unnecessary hope.
"Hm, I see," Diavolo rested his head against the wall, giving you a smile as warm as a ray of sunshine. "And what do humans normally do in these situations?"
"Well, some people just talk, others spend their time in silence. Sometimes people make out or make a confession, depends on the person." The last examples slipped your tongue before you could stop it. Even though the words had already left your mouth you still covered it with your hand, embarrassed. You glanced at Diavolo to see if he had reacted in any way, and to your surprise, you saw that his cheeks had a pink tinge to them.
His eyes met yours.
For a few seconds you stood still, looking into his eyes and him looking back. Something similar to a light electric current passed through your body as you noticed his golden eyes glint in the dimness of the closet.
Diavolo abruptly coughed, breaking the silence. "Ahem, so how are you finding like here in the Devildom?" he asked. "Oh, it's been alright, everyone has been very nice so far," you responded quickly, glad that he changed the subject.
"I'm glad," Diavolo smiled. "You've been spending a lot of time with the demon brothers, I'm surprised how well you're getting along." A shadow of mischief danced along his features. "Do you like any of them?"
"Ooooh no, no, no, they're all way too chaotic for their own good. I like someone else." You immediately regretted saying that, as Diavolo was now even more interested than before.
"Really? Who is it? Ooh wait let me guess, it's Simeon isn't it? Or maybe Solomon? Although his cooking is atrocious, I'm not sure how long you could keep pretending to like it... Ooooh wait wait, Barbatos!" Diavolo let out a squeal like a gossipy teenage girl, keeping on rambling about who you might possibly find attractive.
You, in turn, smiled in amusement at his enthusiasm. "No, Lord Diavolo, I don't like any of them. It's someone else." You sincerely hoped that he would take the hint.
"Hng come on, please tell me who it is?" Diavolo begged.
You gulped. This was your chance to tell him how you feel... You felt the words get caught in your throat, only managing to bring out an inaudible whisper. Diavolo looked at you curiously. "Are you okay? You look a tad pale... You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I'm sorry if I pushed you." Darn... He was being so caring, even at a time like this. He always worried so much about you, it made you feel so warm inside whenever he was protective of you like this.
"I'm okay. And... And I'll tell you who I like," Diavolo's face brightened in anticipation. You took a deep breath before diving in and pecking his lips. The kiss lasted for only about a second, but in that moment you felt a burst of happiness and relief of finally letting go of those feelings that you had bottled up for so long, and it just felt so... right. It might've been elusive hope, but you felt as though Diavolo was having the same thoughts.

When you pulled away you immediately looked away in another direction, your face basically aflame. What did I just do?! When you glanced at Diavolo you saw that he was looking at you open-mouthed, mouthing various indistinct words.
Finally he managed to let out a single sound.
"...Me?" he asked uncertainly, pointing at himself. You furiously nodded, not daring to look at his direction. For a few seconds nothing happened, and you wondered in alarm if this was a rejection. But a pair of strong arms suddenly hugged you around the torso, spinning you a few times around before Diavolo embraced you affectionately.
"Thank the Three Realms! I was so, so afraid you didn't like me." His face nuzzled into your neck, and you laughingly hugged him back, butterflies happily fluttering in your belly.
When he pulled away (which was after quite a long while) he smiled again, running his hand along your cheek, before letting out a snort of laughter.
"I can't believe Asmodeus successfully set us up."
"Yeah... But I'm glad he did."
Diavolo's hand carefully snaked down to your neck.
"Hey, is it alright... if I try something?" he asked shyly, blush covering his cheeks once more.
You questioningly tilted your head to the side, but still nodded, knowing fully well that you could trust him.
Slowly, Diavolo leaned in again for another kiss, and another flurry of emotions overtook you when you felt his lips lightly press against yours. It was different, when he was the one to act first, and you only liked it even more. You felt his lips part slowly, and he hesitated. Finally he cautiously licked your lower lip, asking almost too politely for entrance.
It was funny, how careful and controlled he was even now, when you could basically feel his desire and need radiating from him.
You smiled against his lips at your observation and gently placed your hand at the back of his head, stroking his hair reassuringly and parting your lips in response.
And soon with an unforeseen burst of confidence Diavolo kissed you more fervently and way more needily than before, now that he had the confirmation from you that he needed, his tongue burning every spot that it touched within you, little sparks of pleasure shooting through your skin.
Your grip on his hair tightened by the need to steady yourself as you felt your knees becoming weaker and weaker until it seemed like you were going to crumble right there in his arms. You sensed Diavolo's grip around you gently tightening, letting you lean into him when he felt your body's sudden frailness – and you gratefully did so, basically dissolving into him.

And yet you didn't have as much time as you would have liked, and a voice suddenly interrupted you:
"My, my, you really seem to have to have enjoyed yourselves in there~" Asmo's voice said teasingly. With a start you noticed that the door was now open wide, displaying to everyone your entangled bodies, your faces pressed together and your hands still firmly gripping Diavolo's hair.
Flustered beyond reason you hastily pulled away from Diavolo – your body immediately feeling colder with his absence – and shyly walked to the couch, trying to ignore the clapping and wolf-whistles that resonated across the room.
Diavolo laughed along with everyone else before joining you at the couch, giving you a bright smile.

For a few minutes you were the center of attention, everyone teasing you and asking embarrassing questions. But as the crowd settled down you relaxed and rested against the soft cushions, the heat slowly fading away from your cheeks.
"Hey... I hope I wasn't too antsy back there, I would hate to know that pushed you unintentionally," Diavolo said quietly to you when everyone's attention was directed somewhere else. You smiled reassuringly.
"Thank you for worrying about me, that's really considerate of you." You carefully grasped his warm hand, "but... don't feel so doubtful about stuff like that. I know that you'll never do anything to hurt or pressure me." Diavolo smiled in response, affectionately ruffling your hair before pulling you into an embrace.
"Thank you for trusting me, then."

𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯.Where stories live. Discover now