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Diavolo's birthday party. Who would want to miss it? It seemed as though every single demon in the Devildom was gathered here. Demons seemed to fill every corner of the room. Demons dancing, demons eating food from the buffet, demons talking and laughing loudly. Everyone was having a great time. But all good things eventually come to an end, and the rooms steadily emptied, until only Diavolo, Solomon, the demon brothers, angels, and you were present.

"Aghh that was tiring." said Belphegor with a yawn, landing heavily on the couch.
"Indeed. But it was fun too!" remarked Diavolo, smiling as he always did. You couldn't help but smile too. It ​​​​​​had been a fun evening.
"Would you look at the time. We should get going." Said Lucifer, standing up from the chair he was sitting in.
"Oh dear. It is quite late isn't it?" Said Diavolo, looking at the clock. "Maybe you should stay overnight and go tomorrow." He suggested.
​​​Lucifer looked skeptical, but judging by the demon brothers' and angels' tired expressions, they agreed with that plan.
"Fine, we'll stay here overnight, if it's no trouble." Diavolo beamed at those words. "Of course it's no trouble!" He paused, looking thoughtful. "I know! Why don't we play a game before bed?" He suggested, a mischievous grin playing across his lips.
"Ohhh what are we playing?" Asked Asmo, his curiosity stirred.
Diavolo's grin turned even wider. "Truth or Dare!" He announced. Lucifer groaned, but the rest of the crowd looked either exited or at least interested.
And so the game began.

Solomon was dared to use his magic to levitate everyone, Asmodeus had go into the garden and smear some mud on his face (resulting in him coming back almost in tears and an almost invisible spot of dirt on his cheek) and Luke confessed that he would sometimes eat store-bought donuts instead of making some himself.

Beelzebub's turn then came.
"Dare." Said he absentmindedly, sticking a cupcake in his mouth. Asmo rolled his eyes at him.

"Beel, I dare you to play Seven Minutes in Heaven with Y/N." Said Asmo. Heat immediately flooded your cheeks, but Beel seemed too focused on his treat to have heard Asmo.

"Beeeel! Snap out of it!" Asmo clicked his fingers in front of his face to get his attention.
"Huh?" He looked around, confused, frosting staining his lips.
"Beel, just get in the closet." With another eye roll Asmo led Beel to the closet, and came back to get you in too before you could hide somewhere.
The doors closed and you heard a lock click, enveloping the both of you in complete darkness.

You quickly shuffled to the far corner of the closet and sat down, not wanting Beel to see you blushing. He in turn sat down not too far away and let out a dramatic sigh.

"I didn't finish eating those..." he said mournfully. You simply smiled back sympathetically, not knowing what to say.

What you thought were a few minutes passed, with you simply sitting cross-legged and Beel humming a non-specific tune. Your face wasn't such a blushing mess anymore, having gotten used to being this close to Beel.

Out of boredom, you rummaged through your pockets to see if there was something interesting hidden within. After a few seconds you pulled out a wrapped hard candy. Well, better than nothing. You casually unwrapped it and popped it into your mouth, cherry flavor spilling over your tongue.

You sucked on it cheerfully for a few seconds before an unpleasing feeling of being watched loomed over you. You turned your head and almost staggered back in surprise. Beelzebub's face was a few inches away from yours, his violet eyes looking at you with intense concentration.
"Beel?" You whispered fearfully. He didn't answer.
He slightly tilted his head and approached your still figure even more. You shut your eyes the instant your lips connected, and an extreme lightheadedness came over you. How was this even happening? A warm hand carefully caressed your cheek, emitting a surprised gasp from you.
Taking the opportunity, Beel unexpectedly slipped his tongue into your mouth.
At this point you just decided to got with it, and gripped his shirt tightly, shutting your eyes and letting him completely take over, your head spinning from confusion and ecstasy.

But barely a second passed and he pulled away, sitting back as if nothing had happened. You stared at him - still dazed from the events that just took place - waiting for his following actions. But Beel just sat there, looking extremely satisfied with himself, seemingly... chewing on something?

With a start, you noticed that the candy was gone from your mouth.
"Beel! What was that?" You asked loudly. He turned his head toward you, his expression that of confusion.
"It just seemed like that was really tasty and... oh, wait, I guess I did kiss you, didn't I?" His cheeks flushed slightly pink.

"Um, sorry, I should have asked first..." You shook your head, seeing how embarrassed he was and trying to make the situation a bit less awkward.
"It's alright, knowing you, that was perfectly reasonable," you joked. He nodded glumly, seemingly forgetting about the candy that was still in his mouth.

A few seconds of tense silence passed.
"Still, it was wrong of me to do that," Beel said quietly. "You might have not liked it, or I might have made you feel uncomfortable... I'm sorry." He sniffled once and looked away. You started to panic. You had never seen him like this, and had no idea what to do.
"It's okay, I did like it!" You blurted out wildly.

"...Really?" Your cheeks were burning up so much that you thought they might just catch on fire.

"Um, yes... I- I've liked you for a while now, actually," you muttered.
His eyes widened.
"I know it's weird, but it's true."
"It's not weird at all," he answered honestly. "I like you too." Now it was your eyes' turn to widen. You were really not expecting to like you back, and always though it was forever going to be a one-sided thing.

"I think I'd better ask this time, then," Beel paused and brought his face closer to yours. "Can I kiss you?"

You didn't give an answer, but carefully brought your face closer to his until your lips connected once again. You nervously wrapped your arms around his neck, anxiously wondering if you were doing this right. He, in turn, almost effortlessly lifted you up and placed you on his lap, so close that you could feel his heartbeat next to your own, the quick and steady beating sounding almost reasurring, and suddenly you stop worrying about your previous nervousness.
After a few seconds you pulled away for air, just away enough that your noses were still brushing against each other.
"I'll take that as a yes," Beel breathed out. You let out a quiet laugh, as though afraid that something were to happen if a loud noise were to occur.

You stayed like that for some time, simply smiling at each other goofily and enjoying each other's warmth, not a single worry on your minds.
But after some time the peacefulness of it all was broken as the door opened, letting in a gush of cold air and a ray of bright light.

"Well I wasn't expecting that," said Asmo at the sight of you two.
Your face flooded with heat for the umpteenth time, and you got up as fast as possible, Beel barely second behind you. You moved out of the way to let him pass first, but as he got out, you were unexpectedly dragged behind with him as he grabbed you hand and led you out.

"Awww, how adorable!" Cooed Diavolo when he noticed you entwined hands. You, embarrassed, stuck your tongue out at him and crashed on the couch with Beel.
"Here, your cupcakes," Luke said, rolling his eyes and passing him the plate still loaded with treats. Beel looked at them for a long, calculating moment and finally passed them to you.
"Here, you can have some." The room went quiet, and all eyes were suddenly on the both of you.
"Beel... sharing food? Are you sick? Maybe you hit your head?" Asked Levi.
He shrugged. "I just feel like sharing, that's all," he paused and shot you a glance. "Sharing them with a person I care for."
A drawn-out silence followed those words.

"Aghhh! God, that is so cheesy," finally complained Mammon.

"No, that is like, totally moe!" Squeaked Levi.
"Hmm why does Beel have to take Y/N all to himself, huh?" Piped in Asmo, grabbing your arm.

"Lucifer, why don't you resolve this as you always do so well, brother?" Satan butted in with an hint of sarcasm.

"Now listen here-"
"Guys, let's not fight-"
But suddenly the room was filled with demons and angels arguing, pillows flying back and forth, Diavolo laughing at the top of his voice, and just overall chaos. So, nothing really out of the usual.
Beel and you managed to find cover behind the couch, sniggering quietly.
"Guess we'll have to wait this out," pointed out Beel as a glass flew over his head and shattered. You nodded in agreement. "Luckily I brought these." You slid the cupcake-filled plate towards you and offered it to Beel. His eyes rested on them for a second before he took one and immediately stuffed it into his mouth.
"God, I love you," he said through a mouthful of frosting. You smiled and took one for yourself.
This was a great start.

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