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Diavolo's birthday party. Who would want to miss it? It seemed as though every single demon in the Devildom was gathered here. Demons seemed to fill every corner of the room. Demons dancing, demons eating food from the buffet, demons talking and laughing loudly. Everyone was having a great time. But all good things eventually come to an end, and the rooms steadily emptied, until only Diavolo, Solomon, the demon brothers, angels, and you were present.

"Aghh that was tiring." said Belphegor with a yawn, landing heavily on the couch.
"Indeed. But it was fun, too!" remarked Diavolo, smiling as he always did. You couldn't help but smile too. It had been a fun evening.

"Would you look at the time. We should get going." Said Lucifer, standing up from the chair he was sitting in.
"Oh dear. It is quite late isn't it?" Said Diavolo, looking at the clock. "Maybe you should stay overnight and go tomorrow." He suggested.
Lucifer looked skeptical, but judging by the demon brothers' and angels' tired expressions, they agreed with that plan.

"Fine, we'll stay here overnight, if it's no trouble." Diavolo beamed at those words. "Of course it's no trouble!" He paused, looking thoughtful. "I know! Why don't we play a game before bed?" He suggested, a mischievous grin playing across his lips.
"Ohhh what are we playing?" Asked Asmo, his curiosity stirred.
Diavolo's grin turned even wider. "Truth or Dare!" He announced. Lucifer groaned, but the rest of the crowd looked either exited or at least interested.
And so the game began.

"Solomon," Asmo started. "I dare you to play Seven Minutes In Heaven with Y/N!" He said cheerfully.
"I thought it was me who was supposed to be ordering you around," mused Solomon, but still complied and walked to the closet, the door closing with a soft click.
"So, what do you want to do in the meantime?" You asked, flicking some dust that had fallen from the ceiling off of your shoulder.
Solomon opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again and looked around thoughtfully.
"Before anything, it's a bit dark," he noticed. And with a quick snap of his fingers, tiny lights lighted up all around you, like fireflies in a moonless night. You looked at Solomon in awe, his features softly illuminated by the magic lights.
"Wow..." you muttered, carefully bringing your hand up to one of the many lights, only for it to float away speedily, as though inviting you for a game of tag.
"This is great!" You grinned at him, and saw a bashful smile spread across his face.
"Well, since we'll be stuck here for a while, we might as well have some fun, right?" With a playful wave of his arms, your legs suddenly disconnected from the floor, and you were floating a few inches above it.
You let out a shriek of surprise at the sudden change in gravity, but Solomon comfortably floated in place, as though used to flying around all the time. You were surprised at how hard it was to float straight and not just topple over however your body liked.
"You seem to be the only one having fun, then," you remarked, trying to keep your balance in the air. But having no experience in zero-gravity environments, you inevitably lost your balance until you were looking at Solomon – who was trying to stifle his laughter – upside down.
You crossed your arms in an annoyed manner, but apparently by Solomon's laughter-shaking shoulders, it was clear that it was hard to look serious when you were upended and softly wobbling up and down.
After seeing you struggle for a few more seconds Solomon eventually let out a short snort of laughter that he was seemingly holding in, and with a sharp flick from of his wrist you were the right way up again.
"Took you long enough," you puffed annoyingly.
"Sorry, sorry. You just looked so cute hanging upside down like that." A wave of blush crept to your cheeks at his words.
"W-why would you say something like that...?" You muttered, looking away.
"Because you looked so," Solomon paused, as though in deep thought, but his expression had an abnormally mischievous look on it.
"You almost make me want to put you in that position once more so I can see your cute frown again," he said, seemingly jokingly, but you felt yourself being dangerously tipped to the side again.
"Solomoooon," you let out a displeased groan, not wanting to be in that humiliating position again. Seeing as your body didn't stop slowly tilting to the side, you decided that bargaining could be a viable option.
"What do I have to do for you to stop?" Your body stopped moving abruptly, and you saw an expression on Solomon's face that could only indicate that he was waiting for you to say that.
"Hm, how about you pay a small price, then?" he suggested, seemingly casually.
"And what would that be?"
"Let's see, how about... a kiss?"
You were considering that he would say that, and yet it still surprised you when those words left his mouth. You vaguely took notice of your fast-beating heart and the sudden lightheadedness, for your mind was only focused on his face, still smiling playfully, but with a hopeful shadow to it.
"I- I accept," you stuttered nervously, floating as best as you could closer to him. Solomon's eyes widened,  and one of the many lights in the closet reflected off of them, making it seem like his eyes lit up with bright white flame.
"I didn't actually expect you to..." In the light you saw that a slight blush appeared on his cheeks. "Well, I won't say no to you now."
Your heart definitely skipped a beat as his face slowly approached yours, and when his cool lips pressed on yours were pretty sure you'd just explode from happiness.
You'd meant to keep it short – innocent, maybe – but as soon as his lips parted and his scent filled your nose you forgot about that completely, simply losing yourself to the feelings of desire. Solomon's hands cupped your face, but didn't stay there long as they moved downwards and started exploring your neck and back, leaving a burning feeling everywhere his fingers grazed.
When the need for air finally split you apart and you opened your eyes, you found yourself hanging upside down again, but this time with Solomon accompanying you as well, his hands now having lowered down to your waist.
You frowned at him, somewhat annoyed at him for breaking the deal. Solomon laughed in response.
"Wow, today must be my lucky day. Not only did I get to kiss you, but I got to see that cute expression again," not being able to keep serious at the given situation, you burst out laughing too, wobbling slightly in the air.

The door suddenly opened for everyone to see Solomon and you sniggering upside down, his arms still casually wrapped around your waist.
"Well, you certainly seemed to have had some fun," remarked Asmodeus, flicking off one of the lights that had flown too close to him.
"Hm, you could say that," Solomon said back, flying out of the closet and dragging you behind by his hand, giving you a wink.
You flew out right behind him, more in control of your body now that you had gotten used to the new sensation.
"Do you want to join us down here?" Simeon suggested as you settled on the ceiling.
Solomon considered his proposal for a second.
"Why don't you... join us up here?"
And within the blink of an eye everyone else was floating in the air as well, shrieks of surprise and excitement resonating all around the room. You laughed along with everyone else, watching as Mammon accidentally crashed into a wall and Levi flipped upside down just as you had before.
While you were watching the show with amusement, Solomon only had eyes for you. His grip on your hand tightened and he smiled softly. This had gone better than he could've ever hoped.

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