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Diavolo's birthday party. Who would want to miss it? It seemed as though every single demon in the Devildom was gathered here. Demons seemed to fill every corner of the room. Demons dancing, demons eating food from the buffet, demons talking and laughing loudly. Everyone was having a great time. But all good things eventually come to an end, and the rooms steadily emptied, until only Diavolo, Solomon, the demon brothers, angels, and you were present.
"Aghh that was tiring." said Belphegor with a yawn, landing heavily on the couch.
"Indeed. But it was fun, too!" remarked Diavolo, smiling as he always did. You couldn't help but smile too. It had been a fun evening.
"Would you look at the time. We should get going." Said Lucifer, standing up from the chair he was sitting in.
"Oh dear. It is quite late isn't it?" Said Diavolo, looking at the clock. "Maybe you should stay overnight and go tomorrow." He suggested.
Lucifer looked skeptical, but judging by the demon brothers' and angels' tired expressions, they agreed with that plan.
"Fine, we'll stay here overnight, if it's no trouble." Diavolo beamed at those words. "Of course it's no trouble!" He paused, looking thoughtful. "I know! Why don't we play a game before bed?" He suggested, a mischievous grin playing across his lips.
"Ohhh what are we playing?" Asked Asmo, his curiosity stirred.
Diavolo's grin turned even wider. "Truth or Dare!" He announced. Lucifer groaned, but the rest of the crowd looked either excited or at least interested.
And so the game began.

"Well, well, Luke," Asmodeus started. "How about I make you play Seven Minutes in Heaven with Y/N?" he asked, as though testing to see what Luke's reaction would be.
And Asmo seemed to get what he had hoped for, for Luke's face immediately became flushed.
"W-what?" He stammered, his eyes quickly flickering back and forth between Asmo and you.
You, on the other hand, smiled in satisfaction. It was always so cute when he acted all flustered up, and you wouldn’t miss your chance to witness his reaction.
"Luke, it’ll be okay, you don’t have to worry. But if you don’t want to do it, no one is forcing you." You reassured him. That did it. He hated being treated like he wasn't capable enough.
So Luke did enter the closet, quietly muttering under his breath, you entering behind him, the doors closing and leaving you alone in the semi-darkness.

You decided to smile reassuringly and try to start some conversation.
"So, how are you liking it here?" You asked lightly.
"It’s fine, I guess,” Luke muttered, "I do kind of miss the Celestial Realm, but Simeon and you being here really helps." A note of bitterness hit his voice as he mentioned you.
You also noticed that his hands were gripping his robe and his lips were quivering, as though he was holding something in.
"Do you want to say something else?" You asked calmly, trying to not unnerve him further.
Luke gulped, a look of guilt on his face, and now you were even more interested, and maybe just a little concerned. Was he hiding something from you?
You kneeled by him so that your eyes were on the same level, and his sky-blue ones widened at the closeness between you two.
"Luke, are you okay?"
"Alright fine!" He finally exclaimed, "I- I don’t like you hanging around all those demons all the time!" His face was red as he half-shouted his confession.
"I don't trust them at all... You make me so worried all the time when I don't know what you're doing or who you're with... I'm scared that they'll do something to you!"
You almost recoiled back from surprise. Luke did care a lot about the people near him, but you didn't expect him to lash out at the brothers so suddenly.
"Listen, it's alright I trust the-"
"I don't care! I don't care if you trust them or not, they're demons, they're dangerous!"
You sighed. Of course he would think that way, he didn't spend most of his day in the presence of at least one of them, didn't get to know them for who they are, didn't make any bonds with them...
"Luke, what must I do to convince you that they're trustworthy?" Luke carefully considered the suggestion. You saw him gulp nervously.

"Eh... well, um, how about, um..." Luke's voice trailed off.
"I didn't quite hear that. Could you repeat yourself?"
Luke looked down at his feet.
"...a kiss?"
Your lips twitched upwards at his timidness. It was impossibly adorable seeing him embarrassed like that.
You gently grasped his head and took a brief look into his deep, sky-blue eyes before carefully pulling his head downwards and placing a soft kiss on his forehead.
"Will this do?" You asked softly, an amused smile dancing across your lips when you saw his face become as red as Diavolo's hair.
"Y-yes, I suppose so," he stammered, looking anywhere but at your direction.
Conveniently, a few seconds later the closet door opened, sparing you the awkwardness that would've probably followed.
"Oooh would you look at that, Luke, your face is all red," remarked Asmodeus teasingly. Luke pulled his robe over his face to hide his blush and quickly ran to the couch, sitting down beside Simeon.
You walked out after him and sat at Asmodeus' side, who was looking incredibly pleased with himself.
"He really is a cute one, isn't he?" Asmo whispered to you. You glanced at Luke's direction. He was quietly telling Simeon something, who smiled in response and muttered something to him too. As your eyes met from across the room you quickly shot him a smile, and Luke bashfully returned it.
"Yeah... yeah I agree with you."

(Dude, I am not writing a make-out scene with a literal ten-year-old, sorry if I disappointed you)

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